
Welcome to the second post in my 2014 Monday series – Heart Notes. In case you missed the introduction to this series, you can find it here.


Did you take advantage of the beautiful, FREE printable I offered last week? I hope you will download it, print it, and hang it on your fridge or bathroom mirror….or BOTH! It contains all four of the verses we will be focusing on in January. Click over to the first January post to download and print it if you have not already.



Last week we meditated on the most classic of Bible verses…John 3:16. We were reminded how very much God loves us. This week let’s ponder on our love for God.

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

Matthew 22:37  NKJV


May I ask you a question? Honestly, how often in your life have you given yourself to something or someone…heart, soul, and mind?

I’ve been very guilty of taking myself to the gym to exercise, all the while saying, “My heart just isn’t in it.” I wanted the results of exercise, but I didn’t want to do what it took to get those results.

Or perhaps you remember sitting in a classroom, listening (but, not really) to a professor or teacher lecture on a topic that bored you to tears. Your mind wandered to other things; things that were more interesting to you.

The soul is a bit trickier. It either belongs to God or the devil. You pick. It’s your choice.

What would it look like to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind? I think it would look like Jesus.

It would look like a soul completely overtaken by the Lord, Jesus Christ; claiming as your own the payment He made on the cross for your sins. It would look like a heart so in love with the things of God that the lesser things of this world hold no allure for you. It would look like a mind fixed on Scripture, consistently seeking out the wisdom of God for your very own and acting on that wisdom every moment of every day.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Have you? 

Do you?

Are you willing to?

It will take persistence, sacrifice, and faith.

Do you want a more intimate walk with Jesus? If so, love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, and mind.



Do you long for a more intimate walk with Jesus?

Have you wondered how you can have that close relationship with Christ that others have?

I want to tell you about a brand new E-COURSE that my friend Arabah Joy is offering beginning in early February. It is entitled Abiding in Christ: An Online Spiritual Growth Course. Arabah is a missionary who loves Jesus and longs for others to live in the full abundance of Jesus Christ. I can say with full assurance that you will learn and grow if you take this course. Interested in learning more? Click the link below.

Click here to view more details


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