
Today I have the privilege of offering a guest post over at Jon Stolpe’s Stretched Blog. Jon and his family are away on a short-term mission trip this week, and he asked several bloggers to keep the lights on at his blog while he was away.

Pondering Prayer

Today I want us to ponder for a bit on prayer. How is your prayer life? Are your spiritual knees calloused from time spent on them before the throne, or has it been a while since you gazed at the Father from your knees? Do your prayers feel fervent and effective, or like they hit the ceiling and smack you on the head on the way back down? I know at different times in my life I could fit into all of these categories. Sometimes in the same day!!!!

I have spent a bit of time in recent weeks examining some of the prayers recorded for us in Scripture. It has been a blessed time of study that has opened my eyes to a few pearls with regard to prayer. I’d love to share them with you, and hopefully make application to my life and yours.

To read the rest of my post at Jon’s blog, click this link!

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