
Hello friends,

I know I said that I was on a blogging sabbatical. However, my time away has been so blessed and has truly given me a renewed energy and desire for writing and ministry that I just feel the need to be here today. So, while I am not officially back to blogging, I am feeling led to offer just a few posts in this holy month of December.

One of the things that I have done while on sabbatical is to ponder and pray through my goals for 2017. Now, I will tell you that I have never been one to sit down at the end of the year and write down my goals for the upcoming year. To be honest, the past couple of years have had me in pure survival mode, and the only goals I had were simply getting through each day, week, and month. Again, being completely honest with you here, for the better part of 2016 I have not even been sure that I would continue to write or serve in any kind of ministry capacity. I was completely spent…poured out…weary. Through it all, God was trying to tell me something that I was refusing to listen to. REST! My OneWord 2016 that I ran from and resisted mightily. Turns out God knew best. I know, LIGHT BULB MOMENT!


Grace Goals. Fresh Start. Set Goals


So, back to my 2017 goals. I spent some time listing them and the exercise was a good one. It helped put into perspective what I believe the Lord is calling me to in the coming year. My goals represent many areas of my life…..ministry, marriage, social, work, and personal enjoyment. Large goals like planning and hosting a women’s prayer and listening retreat, as well as smaller goals like reading (at least) one book per month made my list.

One of the tools that I am using to set goals for 2017 is Grace Goals, by my friend, Arabah Joy. There are many tools out there, but Grace Goals is my favorite because it helps me set goals from a Christian perspective….with Jesus at the center of my life.


Grace Goals cover


Because you are my friend, I want to share Grace Goals with you. I want you to be successful in 2017….in life, marriage, work, parenting, and so much more. I believe it is the tool you need to help you set God’s goals for your life.

Arabah Joy has compiled a PDF containing 5 mini-workshops that will take you through the process of:

Setting practical, godly goals
Developing a doable, personal plan for change

Learning why grace is the enablement you need
Recognizing and appropriating grace in your daily life


Arabah Joy is making Grace Goals 2017 available NOW for only $15. What’s not to like about that?

  • Get Grace Goals 2017
  • Begin setting godly goals


Grace Goals FB and IG


I would love for you to purchase Grace Goals because I believe it can help you in your goal setting for 2017 and beyond. It would be a blessing to me if you purchased through the links on this post because I am an affiliate for Arabah Joy’s product sales. What does that mean? It means that for every purchase that is made using my links, I will earn a small commission. This is one way I support a product that I believe in, and support my ministry financially.

Regardless of whether you purchase the product or not, can I hear from you about your goals for 2017? Share one (or more) of your 2017 goals in the comments section. Let’s support and encourage one another in our goal setting endeavors.

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