
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

The vast majority of us have heard, and may even be able to quote part, or all, of this verse. In the midst of Paul’s wrestling over some affliction, God tells him that the grace that God gives is enough, it is sufficient, to see Paul through the thorniness of his thorn. This is a magnificent verse that is often quoted by pastors and others who are comforting someone going through a trial. It is full of truth, the hard kind of truth, but truth, nonetheless.

While most of us have heard this verse, do we always live like we are the recipients of lavish grace?

Grace. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

Grace. God giving us what we do not deserve.

Grace. Graciousness. Benefit. Favor. Gift.


Have you ever found yourself saying something like this?

“Lord, I want to change.”

“I need to kick this addiction.”

“I want to be healthier.”

“I spend too much time on the internet.”

“I want to love my husband/wife/children more.”

“I need to be a better friend.”


We all have places in our lives that would benefit from change, yet so many of us never see those changes happen. Why? Could it be that we fail to live fully in the grace that Jesus died to provide us? Perhaps we try to make changes in our own power, rather than appropriating the power of God?

You and I, as Christ-followers, have everything we need to make lasting changes that will help us look more like Jesus to a world that desperately needs Him. Jesus died so that we could live out of grace. His Spirit resides in us to help us make those changes that will transform us to look more like Christ. Maybe it is time we try a new approach to making positive changes in our life?

My dear friend, Arabah Joy, has a new resource available for the first time this week that encourages and enables us to set Grace Goals.



Grace Goals Course

As we go through life, we set goals for all sorts of things: school, job, exercise, food, etc. Why not be intentional about grace just like we are about other things?

The Grace Goals Course helps you, a Christ-follower, set simple goals that will bring about lasting change in your life. It is a goal-setting resource that helps the believer go deep enough spiritually so that the change happens in the heart, as well as the mind.

“Grace is the power of God. It is more than God’s forgiveness when we do wrong…it is God’s enablement to do right. Grace is what has the power to transform a person’s life.”

So, friend, what area of your life needs a change?

I have already begun working through Grace Goals with several areas in mind where I need to see lasting change. Will you join me?

You can sign up for Grace Goals now. The cost is only $15 for the Grace Goals downloadable bundle. In the bundle, Arabah Joy provides a 48 page workbook with 5 mini workshops, as well as printable worksheets. The lessons are concise and thought-provoking. They will help you identify areas that need change and begin working toward that change. In addition, you will  have optional access to a private Facebook page for all Grace Goals members where Arabah Joy will be available to interact with you. Beginning December 28th, she will work through the 5 workshop within the Facebook group.

So, what are you waiting for and what have you got to lose? I invite you to join me as we set Grace Goals for deep and lasting change in our life. Click any Grace Goals link in this post for more information or to purchase Grace Goals.

Grace Goals Course

DISCLAIMER: I am an affiliate for the Grace Goals course. If you purchase Grace Goals by clicking on any of the links within this post, I will receive a small commission. It is a small way that I help support my family. Thank you for the love.

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