
I just love how God works!!  Just love Him! In September at the gIRL gathering at Black Mountain, I finally had the opportunity to meet Marsha Harwood. We live only about an hour or so from one another, but had never met IRL (in real life). Marsha is a dynamic lady who is on fire for the Lord. She and her friend, Julie, host a weekly talkshow on BlogTalk Radio called Grace Cafe’.

Marsha had been reading my blog and learned about my recovery from anorexia. She and Julie wanted to do a show pertaining to holiday eating and the stress that it can cause for those with weight issues….which is probably 97+ percent of us in some form, fashion, or severity. Oh, I don’t mean that 97% of us have an eating disorder! What I mean is that many people struggle with needing to lose a few pounds and the holidays make that struggle even harder.

Last week, Marsha asked if I would be willing to come on the show on Monday, December 6th and tell my story of walking the road of recovery from an eating disorder and also talk about ways to combat the stress of holiday eating, regardless of whether you have ever dealt with an eating disorder.

I said, “Yes, I would love to.” And, I would love for you to join us. I would especially love for anyone who has ever battled an eating disorder, be it anorexia or bulemia, to join us. There is a chat feature at Grace Cafe’ and we can talk about whatever questions or comments come up during the hour that I am on.

So, if you would like to join us, here is the need-to-know info.  On Monday, December 6th at 11 am EST, log onto Grace Cafe’ using this link. All you need is an internet connection and speakers and you are in-like-skin.

Please pray for me as I speak; that I will say the VERY WORDS that the Lord desires and that I would be an encouragement to those battling eating disorders and eating stress during the Christmas holidays.


I want to make it easy and affordable for small groups to do my study, From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy. Here is one way I want to do that. In December and January I am offering a special for small groups. If you purchase 10 copies of From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest, you will get one copy free. It is my hope that this will enable a lady who can’t afford the book to have access to one OR bring the cost of the books down a bit for a group desiring to do the study.

Here’s the caveat: you must purchase the books from me personally. You will NOT find this offer on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com or CrossBooks.com. Ordering from me, the books are $14 each without shipping and $16.90 each including shipping.

Thanks friends and I hope that you are able to join me on Monday at Grace Cafe’.

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