
Dear Readers,

It is always an honor to be asked to share at other blogger’s blogs, and today I have the privilege of being featured at my friend, Melanie Redd’s, blog. She interviewed me about my new Bible study, Tasting Grace: A Mentoring in the Kitchen Bible Study. Melanie is a woman with a heart for Jesus and other women, so I am blessed to sharing at her blog.

Melanie is also hosting a giveaway of ONE COPY OF TASTING GRACE, so be sure and stop by Melanie’s blog, read the interview, and enter the giveaway.




Here is a bit of the interview to whet your appetite.


Melanie – What do you hope women will do with this book? How would you love to see them use it?

Leah – Our hope is that Tasting Grace will become the catalyst and tool that women need and use to begin developing face-to-face relationships with other women, speaking into their lives and hearts and teaching Biblical truths to them. Our social media-driven world has made those face-to-face and shoulder-to-shoulder relationships increasingly rare in our day. Our mothers and grandmothers knew and experienced the value of them, but women today are, by and large, missing out on them.

Jan and I would love to see Tasting Grace used in several ways:

  • As a Bible study to teach women about biblical mentoring; either individually or in a group setting,
  • As an event planning guide for women to host Tasting Grace cooking sessions in their homes and churches,
  • As a method of outreach to those who have yet to meet Jesus,
  • As a way to encourage women to prepare homemade dishes for their families.


To read the rest of the interview, please click THIS LINK.


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