
Once again our Getting To Know You post takes us back to our high school days. If you are just joining us for these Friday posts, welcome. If you are a little unsure of what they are all about, it is easy. I post a question, offer my answer and then you post your answer to the question in the comments section. It is easy, fun, and allows us to get to know one another a bit. So, here is today’s question:


What extra curricular activities did you participate in while you were in high school?


I was a band nerd. During my 8th, 9th, and 10th grade years (yes, 8th grade was considered high school in the 70’s in my county), I played the xylophone in the marching band, as well as the concert band. In my junior year, I was part of the drill team. Other than band, the only other after school activities I participated in were those centered around my church’s youth group.


Now, it is your turn. Let me hear about your high school days.

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