
Welcome to Getting To Know You! Is this your first time with us? Well, hop right in and share a tad about yourself so we can get to know you.

Here’s how it works. I will ask an ‘icebreaker’ type question. You will then go to the comments section and share your answer. In this way, we are Getting To Know You better. I will also share my answer in the body of the post. So, let’s get to it.

Today’s Getting To Know You question centers around one of my most favorite things…..READING.

Share with us what book or books you are currently reading. If you are not reading a book right now, tell us about the last book you read.

Currently I am reading two books. The first one is the Walter Isaacson penned biography of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers. Mercy, he was quite a character. Brilliant, volatile, unpredictable, and sometimes cruel, Jobs was a driven individual who was totally sold out to his vision and product.  He was a devotee to Zen Buddhism throughout his life, which breaks my heart. Without question, he changed the world with his Apple Computers.

The second book is entitled Unholy War: America, Israel and Radical Islam by Randall Price. This book is not a quick read, but rather an in-depth look at the threat of radical Islam to America and Israel. Price goes into detail about many topics and gives the reader opportunity to acquire a lot of knowledge about the threat of Islam to America and Israel.

Now, it’s your turn. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

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