
I hope you have been able to join us for some of the Getting To Know You posts. They have been fun and given us wonderful insight into each other. I have loved Getting To Know you better.

Today’s edition of Getting To Know You deals with food. I love to eat and there is nothing better than good ol’ comfort food. My husband asked me recently what I would consider comfort food and I thought that was a great question. So that is our Getting To Know You question today.

What food or foods do you consider to be COMFORT FOOD? Name as many as you like but it must be a food or drink that brings a warm, fuzzy, comfy feeling when you consume it.

When I think of comfort food, I would choose meatloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, chicken and dumplings, and rich, creamy, macaroni and cheese. For sure I would include dessert…probably a piece of Italian Cream Cake or pecan pie. Ahh, now that is heaven.

What about you? What do you consider to be Comfort Food?


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