
Christmas 2013 was a special time for my family and me. I’ll just go ahead and put it out there: CHRISTMAS IS NOT MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY. Never has been in all my adult years. I have no idea why; it’s just the way it has always been. Until 2013. This Christmas was different for me….and for my family.

I’m not sure I can even explain it, to be honest. I’m just unspeakably grateful for the beauty and wonder I experienced this Christmas. The beauty of family, of love. The beauty of Jesus’ advent on this dusty planet. The beauty of laughter, and discovering the love of a parent for a child, even if those children did not come from my womb.

May I share our Christmas with you through a few of our pictures? Perhaps I can put words to what I am feeling as I stroll through the pictures I am sharing.



This is what our family looked like this Christmas. We were excited to have Charlie with us. He finished the semester at ORU and spent the week of Christmas with us. It was so wonderful to also have Bree with us. Because of basketball, she couldn’t go home to Australia for the holiday, so she stayed with us for the week she had away from Young Harris. Greg and I have discovered a precious love for this young woman. We couldn’t love her any more if she were our own flesh and blood. She and Charlie had a wonderful week. They took Greg to the basketball court and gave him a fun workout. He posted on Facebook that those two kids had no mercy on him. I think he probably gave them a few lessons. My husband was quite a basketball player in his day, so I’m confident he held his own with Charlie and Bree.





Two day after Christmas, Greg and Charlie went on a quail hunt. It has become a tradition for those two boys and they both love it. They had a great day in the woods of middle Georgia and brought back plenty of quail for the freezer. I adore this picture of Greg from the hunt. Charlie took it and I think it is awesome! Love Instagram and all that can be done to enhance pictures.




One of our special gifts came from Bree. Her mom put together an album of pictures of Bree from the time she was a wee one up to her time in college at YHC. We were speechless. What a treasured gift. There are lots of blank pages so we can add pictures of her time with us here and at Young Harris.



Charlie gave me two sets of drink ware. Two of these beautiful coffee mugs and two glasses. He found them at a place in Birmingham called Southern Salvage. I love them! I’m a picky coffee mug girl. I like a thin rim and these mugs are perfect.




We spent a few days working on a puzzle as a family. What a great time! We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. After about 4 days, we had it completed and we were puzzled out! I think this family time contributed so much to my newfound enjoyment of Christmas and family.



Charlie was opening the electric shaver we gave him. I have no clue what was so funny, but Greg was thoroughly enjoying the moment. Awesome picture!



Bree is becoming quite a good cook and every great southern cook needs a iron skillet. I gave her her first one. While it is pre-seasoned from the factory, every  southern cook knows that the more you use a black skillet, the better it cooks. So, I am hanging onto her skillet (since she has nowhere in the dorm to use it) and I plan to cook often with it to season it well. Lots of love (and Crisco) go into turning a black skillet into a thing of wonder!



Bree gave me a stunning hand crocheted endless scarf. I am so crazy about it and have gotten lots of compliments on it already. She made it during finals week, which makes it even more special to me. She also gave me this adorable little Ugg boot Christmas ornament. My Australian Christmas ornament!



Bree gave Greg this lovely golden cross ornament. Greg and Bree have developed a special relationship. The cross is especially meaningful to both of them. Greg gave Bree a gold cross pendant and chain for Christmas. He made the cross himself. I have a matching one that he gave me many years ago.






We are trying our hardest to turn Bree into a Georgia Bulldog. Charlie is already a full-blooded Bulldog. He had drooled over our Georgia blanket for a year. So, this Christmas he got one of his own.


The Sunday prior to Christmas Greg, Charlie and I shared lunch with Greg’s parents and sister and her family. It was a wonderful time of food, gag gifts, and family.

On Christmas Eve, we attended Christmas Eve service at our church. I had the privilege of organizing the services, as well as speaking at them. Greg, Charlie and Bree picked up our sweet friend, Betty Blair, and brought her to the service. It was special to me for her to be there.

On Christmas morning my mother, my sister and her family, and our family shared a big country breakfast. Homemade biscuits, eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, and ‘stay up all night coffeecake’ filled our tummies. This is our family tradition and we all enjoyed it so much. I am blessed to have such a fabulous FAMILY.

Sunday morning found Bree, Greg, and me worshipping at our church. For over a year now, I have been praying diligently for revival in our church, our state, and our nation. Our pastor preached a sermon on revival that resonated intensely in my heart. I do believe I might feel the winds of revival beginning to stir. Lord, please send revival to your church. Let it begin with ME!

We saw Charlie off to visit his girlfriend and her family early in the week. On Tuesday morning, Bree moved back into the dorm at Young Harris. Once again, Greg and I were empty nesters. It seems quiet in our house without the chatting and laughter that we had been immersed in all week.

What a blessed Christmas we had! I pray your Christmas was full of love and laughter. Happy New Year, dear friends.

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