
Blessings abundant! Each week I pop in here on Friday to count a few blessings that the Lord has showered on me. Here are today’s offerings.



{#279} – Basketball home opener – Last weekend we were at Young Harris College to watch Bree play her basketball home opener of her senior year. We are blessed to be part of her life here in the US.


{#280} – Homecoming Court – Bree was on homecoming court at YHC this year. Although she was not chosen as Homecoming Queen, she looked so beautiful and we were very proud of her. Her sweet roomie, Emily, was chosen as Queen.


{#281} – Deodorant – Every women who has her annual mammogram knows you have to go to the appointment without any lotions, powders, or deodorant. It is a major blessing (to all involved) to be able to swipe some deo on as soon as the test is over. ‘Nuf said.

{#282} – Lives and hearts changed – Five ladies saved last week at the event in Sandersville. YES!!! Praising Jesus!!

{#283} – Another heart changed– One of my co-workers at the pharmacy accepted Jesus into her heart this week. A huge blessing to see how happy she was!

{#284} – Modern medicine – I’m so thankful for the blessing we enjoy of living in a day and age when modern medicine makes our lives so much better. Really, the world is a safer place when I have my happy pills!

{#285} – Vital Signs – It has been a blessing to me to be able to offer portions of the Vital Signs: Lessons from the Seven Churches of The Revelation here on my blog. I hope it has been interesting and informative to you.

{#286} – Puppy breath and puppy paws

{#287} – Cupcakes with LOTS of frosting

{#288} – Sitting on the sofa with Greg watching Georgia football

{#289} – Bible study friends – This is a picture of our last-day-of-study luncheon. I love these girls so much. Some of us have studied the Word together for almost 13 years, while others are new to the group. All of them have a hunger for the Word and a desire to look like Christ.


{#290} – Luminaries – When we were in Athens for the Georgia and Appalachian State ballgame, we walked out of the camper and looked up in the sky. From somewhere in the campground, 30 or more balloons powered by candles rose toward the sky. We stood and watched them until they floated above the clouds, and we could see them no longer. It was such a thrill to see them.


{#291} – Girl time lunch with my precious friend, Cindy

{#292} – Baking Party – On Wednesday evening, Bree and her friend and teammate, Ashley, came over to bake a birthday cake for Bree’s suitemate, Kaycee. My heart is filled with joy over having these young women in my life. Greg and I totally enjoyed sharing dinner with them, and watching them create a fun birthday cake and cupcakes.

Greg keeping the girls company as Bree decorates the cake.

Greg keeping the girls company as Bree decorates the cake.


Ashley and Bree frosting cupcakes

Ashley and Bree frosting cupcakes


The final product! Isn't that just adorable?

The final doggie cake product! Isn’t that just adorable?


What blessings can you count today?



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Greg keeping the girls company as Bree decorates the cake.
Ashley and Bree frosting cupcakes
The final product! Isn't that just adorable?
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