
Life is hard!

I know that is probably not a news flash for most people, but the statement is a perfect backdrop to the words the Lord has been whispering into my heart of late. Life is hard and so many of my friends and acquaintances are being ‘hard pressed on every side’.

Financial troubles

Job loss


Suicide attempts

Unplanned pregnancy

Legal problems

Wayward teens

Struggling marriages



Into my heart the Holy Spirit has been whispering the words, ‘fresh manna’. As I have had opportunity to pray with and for so many people struggling with BIG problems, I have been reminded that God provides fresh manna each day for our need. Like the Israelites of antiquity who were absolutely convinced they were going to die of starvation in the wilderness, you and I see no way that we will survive the catastrophic circumstances in which we often find ourselves. Not only do we see no light at the end of the tunnel, we are pretty sure someone has sealed the openings to the tunnel and we will die right there.

Into the suffocating darkness of our situation, God says, “I’m going to provide you fresh manna for each day.” He does not give us manna for two days or a week, but just enough fresh mercy and grace to make it through each day.

What circumstances are weighing heavy on you? Do you need fresh manna to make it through today? Ask the Lord to show you His provision, step outside the tent of your circumstances and, in faith, begin to gather a fresh helping of God’s grace to make it through today. Gather expectantly. It will be just enough.

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