
I have run across a few really thought provoking quotes of late and wanted to share them with you. I’m a quote person and love to collect them for later use. These are definitely keepers. May the Lord use them to bless, convict, or encourage you….whatever the situation calls for.


“If I am really courageous enough to admit I am not as significant as I think I am, then I wouldn’t always need to have the last word.” ~~ Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick from James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore.  Now, that smacks me right in the face!


“You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” Anne Lamott….  Well, alrighty, then. That right there smacks conviction all over the place, now doesn’t it?


“Faith sees the invisible, hears the inaudible, touches the intangible, and accomplishes the impossible.” ~~ John MacArthur  Is there an invisible, inaudible, intangible, or impossible in your life? Exercise your faith in Jesus Christ.


Faith is believing, trusting, knowing when you cannot reasonably know by sight or physical touch that God is there, He is able, and He is enough. ~~ Me

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