
Hello! I have been away from Five Minute Friday for several weeks, but y’all, I really, really missed this writing endeavor. So, I’m back! In case you don’t recall what Five Minute Friday is, here’s the skinny on it.


Kate Motaung tosses out a one-word writing prompt on Thursday evening (after my bedtime). A whole host of beautiful bloggers then write for 5 minutes on that prompt. No editing, no second guessing…just writing. Then, we toss our posts out there for the world to read. So, without further chit-chat, I’m going to write. Today’s word prompt is:




I feel like it is the $64,000 question. It is a question that has no earthly answer, yet scholars and everyday Joe-types have debated it for centuries. Only one knows the answer to it, and he has not seen fit to give us the answer…yet. For those who love a good mystery, this question is the ultimate mystery, I tell you.

WHEN will Jesus return?

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,but the Father only.” Matthew 24:36 (ESV)

My small group spent almost two years studying the book of The Revelation. ‘When’ was a big question all through our time in the book. Not only the ‘when’ of Jesus’ return, but also the ‘when’ of the rapture, the tribulation, the New Jerusalem, and so much more. There are so many ‘when’ questions yet to be answered about the last days. WHEN are the last days? Are they now, in a month, in a year, in a century? Oh my word, I could drive myself stark-staring-mad asking ‘when’.

Perhaps ‘when‘ is the wrong question to ask concerning the last days. I came to the conclusion after my two year study of the book of The Revelation that there is a different question to ask. The question to ask is not ‘when’ will Jesus return, but ‘am I ready for His return, and am I doing what He has called me to do in the days before His return?’

Not knowing the ‘when’ of Jesus return requires that I trust God with it: that it will happen, and it will happen right on time. It requires faith.

So, am I ready for the return of Jesus? Absolutely. I made Him my Lord and Savior at 15 years of age.

Am I doing what He has called me to do in these days before His return? I’m trying. I am seeking to make His name known.

That’s it. That’s all I can do. Now, I wait and trust, leaving the ‘when‘ to God.

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