
Hello!! Each Friday morning, I wake up eager to click over to Kate Motaung’s blog and discover the word prompt for the wonderful gathering of bloggers known as Five Minute Friday. It is a time of off-the-cuff writing on a common word prompt. We write for five minutes–no over-thinking and no editing ( well maybe not much editing). Then we hit ‘publish’ and the fun begins. I adore clicking around the WWW and reading what others have written on the word prompt.

Are you ready for today’s? The prompt for today is …….TOMORROW.


Let’s get to it.


Confession time.

I have a tendency toward ‘tomorrow living’.

What’s ‘tomorrow living’, you ask?

Tomorrow living’ is that mindset where one is always living for tomorrow; for the ‘big’ thing that will, hopefully, happen tomorrow or sometime in the future. It could be called ‘one-day living’. Let me offer a few examples:

  •  One day/tomorrow I will finally write a blog post that goes viral.
  • One day/tomorrow I will get a publishing contract.
  • One day/tomorrow we won’t have to struggle financially.
  • One day/tomorrow I will have a better job.
  • One day/tomorrow my husband/wife be a better spouse.
  • One day/tomorrow I will lose weight.
  • One day/tomorrow I will start to exercise.
  • One day/tomorrow __________________________________


Please don’t misunderstand me. Setting goals for our tomorrows is a good thing, but when we live for the tomorrows, we miss what God has for us today. I’ve been guilty of it for the longest time. Living for the tomorrow, missing the beauty of today.




What if I don’t make it to tomorrow? None of us are promised tomorrow, so, why not let tomorrow take care of itself. Today, God has something special for me to see, something special for me to do. He wants me to be present in today, with my heart tuned to His, always ready to walk into opportunities He places in my path to serve His people. I don’t want to get to heaven one day and find out that I missed so much because ‘tomorrow living’ blinded me to the beauty of what He had for me today. Do you?


Most of our lives are crucified between two thieves: yesterday and tomorrow. We never live today. But the time to live is now. It is today. ~~ W. Oscar Thompson 

Satisfaction Through Christ

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