
Yippee!! It’s Friday, which means it is time to put on my thinking cap, put fingers to keyboard, and write for 5 minutes on the word prompt that Kate Motaung tosses out. I really love Five Minute Friday, and apparently you do, as well. When I asked you, my sweet readers to fill out a little survey on what you like about my blog, many of you liked the Five Minute Friday posts. So, I’m back today with another. Let’s get going.

Today’s word prompt is>>>>>>>>TEN.   Go!


10 ways to change the world

Stock photo from Canva.com


Ten Ways to Change the World


I don’t think anyone would argue that we live in a world that is begging for change. A world groaning under the weight of the curse of sin. A world full of doubt, discouragement, and dumbed-down religion. A world that is desperately in need of a bit of hope. The whole mess is enough to make me want to sell everything and move to a deserted island, taking along my Bible and a pound cake!

All too often I feel helpless in the face of so much crummy stuff that goes on in the world. You too? But, really, we are not helpless. In fact, we are the very people who can help. We are Christ-followers who have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. We are lights on a hillside. We are salt in a world that is tasteless. You and I are here for a reason, otherwise God would have snatched us out of this world and taken us home.

Therefore, if God is leaving us here for a purpose, let’s be intentional about changing our world. Let’s not sit in our homes, moaning and complaining about the state of the world, expecting someone else to do something about it. Today, I want to offer you ten ways you can change the world. This is not an exhaustive list, so I would be tickled pink if you would add to my list in the comments.  Here we go:


  1. Pray…for (at least) 10 minutes every day.
  2. Give someone a SINCERE compliment once a day….and watch them light up.
  3. Send a handwritten note to a different someone each week.
  4. Read the Bible for (at least) 10 minutes each day.
  5. Volunteer. Give of yourself without expecting anything in return.
  6. Laugh. It really is the best medicine.
  7. Take a meal to someone going through a tough time.
  8. Support (financially, emotionally, spiritually) a missionary. Their work is tough. They often do not have the support systems that you and I are accustomed to, yet they desperately need them.
  9. Hug someone. So many people are deprived of human touch. Hugs are a powerful reminder that folks are not in this world alone.
  10. Find your purpose/calling in life, then walk in it. When we are living in the sweet spot of Jesus’ plan for our life, we can change the world.


Okay, that is my ten. Now it is your turn. What would you add to my list of ways to change the world?


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