
Five Minute Friday~~ that wonderful time of my writing week where I gather around a word prompt tossed out by Kate Motaung over at her blog, Heading Home. The best part is that I do not gather alone. About 150 wonderful bloggers gather there with me, and make up the #FMFparty community. We write for 5 minutes~~tapping out whatever is on our hearts concerning the prompt. Then we post it, and go visiting. I’ve met some wonderful folks in this community who have blessed my heart. I hope I’ve been a blessing to a few of them, as well.

Today’s word prompt is PREPARE. Let’s get started.


When I was 12 years old, I walked the aisle of my church and told my pastor that I wanted to be saved and baptized. I wanted to PREPARE to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and to spend eternity with Him. My best friend ambled up the aisle with me. We were baptized in that little rock chapel, and I went along my merry way.

Fast forward three years later at a large Youth Evangelism Conference. I was one of 10,000 teens at the conference. I remember it like it was yesterday. The music was worshipful and moving. The speakers were dynamic and motivating. My friends were there, and we were truly enjoying the event. As we stood for the time of invitation on the second night, a shocking realization hit me. I needed to PREPARE.

Whhaaaat? I had walked the aisle at 12 years old. I had been baptized. I thought I was saved. As it turned out, I had not been saved. I had just been following the crowd of 1…my friend. It had seemed like the thing to do at that time, but I realized on that December night in Macon, Georgia that I had not been saved. The Holy Spirit convicted my heart of my lack of salvation in such a way that I could not ignore it.

Right there in the middle of 10,000 teens, I PREPARED to spend the rest of my life serving Jesus. I asked Jesus to forgive me for my rebellion and sin, and to come into my heart and live forever. I felt like a new person…and indeed, I was. I now had Jesus living in my heart. I was PREPARED to never again be separated from God. Years later, at 23 I was baptized again. This time I got it right…salvation, then baptism.

Jesus promised us that when He left this earth after He went to the cross and the grave, He would go to PREPARE a place for all who believed in Him. He also promised to come back to get us. Are you PREPARED to live with Him forever? PREPARE now, sweet friend. Tomorrow might be too late.

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