
Welcome back to Friday! And to Good Friday…the day Jesus died for my sin and yours. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t too good for Him, but for me, the day of my Lord’s death became the day that I had the opportunity to truly live. You, too, if you are a Christian.

Today at Five Minute Friday, our word prompt is from Kate Motaung, appropriately enough, GOOD. Yes, GOOD.  So, let’s get going.


Does it seem to anyone else that the pages on the kingdom calendar are flipping faster and faster? Maybe it is just that I am more in-tune with what the Bible says will happen in the end. Very little news is GOOD these days. So much death, so much suffering, so much deceit and darkness all around. Even as I dragged my weary body out of bed this morning, I received a text from my BFF that her father-in-law had passed away in the night. I shed tears, because my own grief is still fresh. Shootings, beheadings, natural disasters, and heartache abound. Where is the GOOD news?

May I offer you a bit of GOOD news today?


And we know that in all things God works for the GOOD of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.   Romans 8:28 (NIV)


At first blush that may seem like small comfort in the face of intense pain and suffering; it may seem trite. Trust me, it is not small comfort. There is amazing peace embedded into the concept.

Millennia ago God knew what would happen in your life and mine on April 3rd, 2015 and every other day of our lives. He knew, He planned, He purposed. His GOOD is for us. His heart is for us. Nothing happens to us that is outside His ability to turn it for our GOOD. Nothing.

So, I leave you with a quote that I have offered here before. It is one that hangs on my fridge because it speaks so deeply into my heart, especially in times that are not GOOD. I’ve made it a printable so you can download it and hang it on your fridge, too. Trust Him. He is working all things out for your GOOD.

Rest of Joy Quote






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