
Hi friends, I’m back at Five Minute Friday today. Kate Motaung has tossed out today’s word prompt and it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOLLOW.

I offer you my five minutes worth of thoughts on the topic.



Followers and friends. They seem to go together–in real life and in social media. When we are friends with someone, we follow what they are doing with interest. We engage with them.

Over and over in the Bible, we hear the command to ‘FOLLOW‘.

Follow me,” said Jesus.

“Therefore, take care to follow the commands, decrees and laws I give you today,” commanded God in Deuteronomy 7:11

The question I have to ask myself today is, “Am I a good follower? Am I a true friend of Jesus who follows Him completely?”

You see, friends, I fear that sometimes my following skills are lacking. When it becomes uncomfortable to follow Jesus, do I follow still? When it becomes inconvenient to follow Jesus, do I follow still?

The Bible makes no bones about this business of following Jesus. It will cost me something. Following Jesus will not always be a bed of roses. I may be ridiculed and rejected for following Jesus. Do I follow anyway?

There is a prize for being a faithful follower, and I want it. I want to hear ‘well done, faithful follower’ when I stand before Jesus in heaven one day.

Are you a good follower, and a true friend of Jesus?  What changes do you need to make to become a faithful follower of Christ?

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