
CELEBRATE: to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.; to praise (someone or something); to say that (someone or something) is great or important; to perform (a religious ceremony)

You and I CELEBRATE all sorts of things in this life:

  • Birthdays
  • Weddings
  • Anniversaries
  • A New Job
  • Retirements
  • Graduations
  • Published Articles
  • Book Contracts
  • Raise in Salary
  • Answered Prayer
  • A New Milkshake Flavor at Chick Fil A!!!
  • A Win by my Georgia Bulldogs

Perhaps you have a few more things to add to my list. In large and small ways, you and I CELEBRATE things that bring us pleasure and joy.




May I ask you a question? A thought-provoking question?

Do you CELEBRATE the successes of other people as much as your own success?

When your co-worker gets an accolade or a promotion that you think you deserved but didn’t receive ~ do you CELEBRATE with them?

When another writer is blessed with a book contract ~ do you CELEBRATE with them?

When a blogging friend has a post go viral ~ do you CELEBRATE with her?

When your neighbor purchases a new car ~ do you CELEBRATE their blessing?

I must confess ~~ I have not always been good at CELEBRATING the successes of others. It is so easy to be jealous and selfish when others receive a blessing that I so desperately desire. Yet, one of the marks of a mature Christian is one who realizes that God has a reason for giving blessings to one, while withholding it from another. In His perfect plan, He knows when I can handle a blessing, and when it is best for me not to have it. He knows what I am capable of, be it selfishness or self-LESS-ness.

So, the question on the table is am I…are you…willing to trust God to give His best in His timing? Am I willing to CELEBRATE the successes of others? Are you?


Linking up today at Five Minute Friday with Kate Motaung.


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