
Welcome to Friday! Welcome to Five Minute Friday! I didn’t think I would have time to join FMF today, but I’m making time. Life has been craaaaa-zy around here, as I told you in my Wednesday post. In case you are new to Five Minute Friday, let me tell you about it. FMF is a word prompt link up hosted by Kate Motaung over at her blog. On Thursday evening, Kate tosses out a single word prompt and a glorious gaggle of bloggers write for 5 minutes on that topic. I love participating, and have met some awesome people there.

Today’s word prompt is: BREAK. Let’s get started.


When was the last time you invited God to BREAK your heart?

Right about now, you might be thinking that I’ve obviously had too much stress and have gone over the edge. Stay with me, please.

Asking God to BREAK my heart over my sin is something I do regularly. You see, it is pretty easy for me to stuff sin down in my heart so I don’t have to deal with it. It is also a fact that all of us tend to justify our sin, making it out to be far less than it really is in God’s eyes. So, I would hazard a guess that on any day, there is a secret, or hidden, sin lurking in the recesses of my heart.

Who can say, “I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin”? Proverbs 20:9 (ESV)

Sin separates me from God, and I do not want to be separated from God. Not for one minute! So, years ago, I began asking the Lord to reveal to me any hidden sin in my heart, and to BREAK my heart over it. I also ask the Lord to BREAK my heart over what BREAKS His heart. Not only my sin, but the condition of the world around me.

I’ll warn you! This is a mighty dangerous prayer to pray, because it is a prayer that God will answer. Nine times out of ten, the answer to this prayer will be painful. Recognizing sin in our heart is always painful, as we realize how it has separated us from God. The blessing comes when I confess it, and in repentance, align myself with God in the matter.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 (ESV)

So, will you join me in asking God to BREAK your heart, too?


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