
Today, my friends, is the final Five Minute Friday post for 2014. Oh, how I have enjoyed being part of this wonderful community of writers. We will be taking two weeks off to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. Lord willing, I will be back on January 9th with another Five Minute Friday post. I want to say a huge thank-you to Kate Motaung for hosting Five Minute Friday.


Today’s word prompt for our writing time is ~~~ ADORE. Let’s get going on this one.


Adore. I look up the word in the dictionary because I am a word nerd. I like to know the exact meanings of words. I was pretty sure I knew what this word ‘adore’ meant, but I went there anyway.

“to love intensely”

Conviction washed over me. I have failed, on too many occasions to count, to adore those in my life who deserve my adoration.

I have not always loved my husband well, especially in the first ten or so years of our marriage. It’s nothing short of a miracle straight from the hand of God that we are still married.

There were times in the past ten years that I did not love my Mother well. Before we received the diagnosis of dementia, I would grow so frustrated with her. The unknowns of why she did some of the things she did were a huge source of frustration to me.

My Jesus has not always been adored the way He deserves. I turned my back on Him in my 20s. I walked in pride in my 30s. He deserved to be loved so much more intensely than I did…and sometimes do.

BUT, because of Jesus, and His grace and mercy…because He adored me enough to go to the cross and die for my disobedience and rebellion…I have had opportunities for do-overs and second chances. Greg and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary in January, I had eight months of sweet fellowship with my Mother before she went home to heaven, and I have opportunities every single day to adore Jesus and serve Him alone.

I’m so thankful for second chances; for mercy and grace.

Merry Christmas, friends. I hope you take time to stop and adore Jesus today.

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