
It is Saturday morning and time to do laundry. You gather a load of clothes, toss them into the washing machine, pour in detergent, push the start button and go to do other Saturday chores. After an hour you go back to the laundry room to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, but when you open the door of the washing machine, you realize something is very wrong. The clothes are soapy and sitting in a puddle of water. You push buttons to try to make the machine run, but nothing happens. You realize that the washer has washed its last load of clothes.

Immediately, you go into panic mode because you have no idea where you are going to find the money to pay for a new washing machine. Flitter, you cannot even pay all of your bills this month and your credit cards are over their limits. The money ran out before the month did, and now you have another expense…a big expense…with which you are faced. You sit down and cry because this scenario is not new to you. You have been at this point before and you hate it. You are so tired of there never being enough money to cover emergencies and the regular bills. Your desire is to leave a great legacy for your kids, and that includes a legacy of making good choices with your money, but you just do not know how to do it.

As a Life and Financial Coach, many of the people to whom I talk share that they live paycheck to paycheck and have no idea how they would financially deal with a household emergency, like a washing machine/dryer dying or an unexpected car repair. In fact, over 65% of Americans could not pay cash for a $1000 emergency, which means they would have to borrow money or use credit card debt to fund that emergency.


Peace of Mind Emergency Fund Challenge


I have been there, so I know what being in that place of ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’ and having no idea how I will deal with it when it happens. It is not a fun place to live. It causes stress and anxiety.

There is a better way!

Y’all, emergencies happen. Appliances do not last forever. Medical emergencies happen. But, what if your story went like this instead?

It is Saturday morning and time to do laundry. You gather a load of clothes, toss them into the washing machine, pour in detergent, push the start button and go to do other Saturday chores. After an hour you go back to the laundry room to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, but when you open the door of the washing machine, you realize something is very wrong. The clothes are soapy and sitting in a puddle of water. You push buttons to try to make the machine run, but nothing happens. You realize that the washer has washed its last load of clothes.

Here is where the story changes.

You put on your coat, grab your purse, and take a road trip to the local appliance store. There you look at all the options and decide which is best for your family. You walk to register, the clerk rings up your purchase and you hand her cash to pay for it. She tells you the washing machine will be delivered tomorrow. You go home, relax, play with your kids, and go about your day knowing that you were prepared for the emergency and you do not have to wonder how you are going pay for it.

Which version of the story is yours? 

If you can identify with the panic, stress, and anxiety version, I would like to offer a challenge to you. I want to help you make the peace of mind version your story, and to do that, I am hosting a Peace of Mind Emergency Fund Challenge. 

In 2020, I want to help you fund a $1000 cash emergency fund that will change your story from Version 1 to Version 2. It can be done, but it is going to take determination, sacrifice, and perseverance. I want to walk with you and encourage you on your journey, AND I want to do it for FREE.

Are you ready to have peace of mind when financial emergencies hit?

Want to learn more about how to find that peace of mind? If so, I invite you to click HERE to learn more and sign up for the challenge.

I am eager to take this journey with you, friend. Let’s get to it.


NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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