
2023. If you are like me, it will take a few weeks to get in the habit of writing/typing 2023 rather than 2022, but here we are in a new year with so many new possibilities in front of us. In this first 2023 edition of my monthly communication, I want to share some news, some encouragement, and some opportunities for you to make forward progress on your financial journey. Let’s get started.

BETTER TOGETHER: Small Group Financial Coaching for Women

Ladies, very often I find that women feel a lack of confidence about managing their finances. Many years ago, I was in that place, although, I thought I was doing just fine because I made good money. In truth, I was living paycheck-to-paycheck because I did not have solid financial principles in place to lead and guide me. Because of my paycheck-to-paycheck, stress- and anxiety-filled lifestyle in my 20s, I have a heart to help women feel confident on their financial journey.

Beginning this month, I am offering BETTER TOGETHER: SMALL GROUP FINANCIAL COACHINGfor WOMEN and I am so excited about engaging with YOU! No matter where you are on your financial journey, this group is for YOU! Here are the details and how you can apply to join the group.

Group Size: 12 women

Meeting Dates/Times: Meets monthly for 6 months at 7pm EST on the last Tuesday of each month beginning January 31st.

Topics to be Covered: Why We Do What We Do with Money, Budgeting Like a Boss, Saving for the Win, Debt is Not Your Friend, The Skinny on Taxes, and Investing Like a Pro

Meeting Location: Zoom

Extras: Private Facebook Group, Opportunities for coaching at no extra cost, Teaching from experts (not me) in the areas of taxes and investments, Hands-on budgeting workshop, and more

This group will be a judgment-free space where women can feel comfortable learning and growing in the area of finances. There is limited space available in this group, so please apply soon if you are interested in joining us. Applications to join the group will close on January 24th. APPLY HERE!


Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready for a fresh start with your finances in 2023?

Do you feel that if you had just a little guidance and help you could win with your money?

Are you ready to try something different in order to have a better outcome with your finances?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, READ ON!

Beginning today you can sign up for my FREE 7 day email teaching series on how to start fresh with your finances in 2023. It is F.R.E.E.

Every day for 7 days you will receive an email addressing important topics like budgeting, money mindsets, debt, saving, goal setting, and so much more. Can I tell you a secret? This is exactly what I teach my clients in coaching sessions and I am giving it to you one day at a time over 7 days for FREE.

Seriously, what do you have to lose by signing up? Stress and anxiety over your finances? Worrying about whether the next paycheck will hit the bank in time? Money fights with your spouse?

If you are ready to breathe again when it comes to your finances, click over to this link >> Starting Fresh in 2023 and sign up NOW. Once you sign up, you will receive an email that contains a confirmation link. You must go open that email and click the confirmation link, otherwise you will miss all the goodness.

If you don’t like the peace and breathing room you get from doing what I teach my clients about their finances, feel free to keep the stress and anxiety, but I bet you will love the freedom you find. Sign up today!


If you have received this communication for more than a few months, you know that I am a huge fan of Financial Peace University, the 9 week course from Ramsey Solutions that teaches you how to manage your money God’s way, and probably your Grandma’s way, too.

FPU is a no-nonsense, easy to understand course that covers topics like budgeting, debt, saving, retirement, insurance, buying a home, wise spending, and so much more. Greg and I love volunteering our time to lead FPU and have led 4 FPU classes over the past 2 years.

We are blessed to be leading another class beginning January 8th. This will be a VIRTUAL FPU class (via Zoom), so no matter where you live, you can join us. We will meet on Sunday afternoons at 6pm EASTERN for 10 weeks (yes, 10 weeks – there is an extra week of introduction at the beginning).

I promise that no matter where you are on your financial journey, you will learn something valuable and useful through FPU and you will have a lot of fun doing so.

To learn more about FPU in general, click this Learn More link.

To sign up for our class specifically, click this Adams’ FPU Class link.

We are looking forward to seeing you on January 8th via Zoom.

MY 2023 ONEWORD 365

Around the first of September every year, I begin praying and asking the Lord what my ‘word’ will be for the next year. Every year for about 10 years, He has given me a word that I can focus on and look for how He uses that word in my life that year. Some of the words He has given me have been the backdrop for major work He wanted to do in my life and heart.

My OneWord for 2021 was Peace and was it ever a doozie! God did so much work on me in 2021 and helped me see blind spots in my heart and character that needed a ton of work. At the end of 2021, I felt like my heart had been on a home makeover show and had been demo’d down to the 2x4s, then completely redone.

2022’s word, Gather, was gentler, but I can definitely see how God used it.

As I prayed about my OneWord for 2023, I began to hear the word Contentment from the Holy Spirit and realized that would be my Word. I readily admit that contentment is a struggle for me. I live in anticipation and expectation of the ‘next thing’, making it difficult to be present in the present. So, I am walking into 2023 with an open heart to what God has to teach me about contentment.

Do you choose a OneWord each year? If so, please share with me what OneWord you have chosen for 2023.


In the waning days of 2022, I have chosen to spend time studying the book of Proverbs, the ancient book of wisdom. The writer uses the word ‘wisdom’ over 50 times in the book and the word ‘wise’ over 65 times. He also uses the words ‘fool’, ‘foolish’ and ‘fools’ almost 70 times in the book and they are usually always used to contrast the way of the wise versus the way of the fool.

The book of Proverbs shines a light on the MANY times in my life where I chose the way of the fool. Yet, it also tells me and you how to live a wise life and I am so thankful for that. Every day I am challenged to live the way of the wise.


Listen to wisdom and follow God’s commands


Restrain their words


Does not co-sign loans


Work hard

Do not become burdened by debt

Slow to anger


Trusted with confidences

Willing to admit wrong and ask for forgiveness


SPOILER ALERT: Many of the choices that we are offered today as popular and right fall under the category of FOOLISH.

Trust their own heart and understanding (emotion plays into decisions about right and wrong)

Speak without thinking



Co-sign loans


Look for get-rich quick schemes

Quick to anger



Tries to cover their sin

Burdened by debt

I cannot even imagine how different our world would be if each of us would read and live by the book of Proverbs. I am definitely convicted by it and committed to get all the wisdom and understanding I can from it. Let’s GET WISDOM in 2023, friend.



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