
A year or so ago I began to hear about a new project that was being created by Kris Camealy, a beautiful soul with a heart for hospitality. The project would be called Grace Table, and the entire focus would be on hospitality. If you know me at all, you know that I adore cooking and feeding hungry souls…feeding them not only physical food, but also food that nourishes the heart.

When the invitation went out to follow Grace Table and receive the posts on their blog, I immediately signed up. Instinctively, I knew that I would find blessing at Grace Table. I have not been disappointed. Today, I count it an honor to be a guest at Grace Table. When Kris asked for guest posts, I hesitated. The writing at Grace Table is beautiful and compelling. I was not certain my writing fell into the ‘beautiful and compelling’ category. Yet, my heart kept being nudged by the Spirit to offer a post. I did. They accepted my offering, and today Grace Table and I offer it to you.


Feed Them Well


Grace Table post


I am a Southern woman, with a Southern Mother, Grandmother, and Greats as far back as the family tree extends. The thing about Southern women is that we feed our people…and we feed them well. Food is how we do hospitality. It is also how the Lord gave me a heart for young adults.

In 2011, my friend, Sandi, phoned me one day asking if I would mind helping provide lunch for a group of international students who were studying at a large school in the Atlanta area. They were coming to our north Georgia Mountains for a hike, and their leaders wanted them to experience an American home. I was happy to help, and totally oblivious to the fact that my world was about to be rocked in a major way.


Join me at Grace Table. Pull a chair up to the table and allow me to serve you the rest of my ponderings. Click here to enter Grace Table.


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