


Today I have the privilege of sharing the Faith Story of Kathy Bailey. While Kathy could share all manner of horrid details about her life, she chooses to focus on God’s goodness to her. I LOVE that kind of outlook. Not victim, but a victor in Christ. I know you will be blessed by Kathy’s Faith Story.



“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

I sometimes feel like a “hot mess” – have you ever felt that way? My testimony was once described as “A compelling, gripping story of the power of God… in many ways a living Holocaust, full of more sorrow and hurt than any random 100 people ever experience.”


If I shared every tragedy, you’d certainly be shocked, saddened – completely assured we lived in a depraved society. I could share of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional) from age 5-38, rape, divorce, miscarriages, lust, heartache, grief and habitual sin. But I’d rather share some truths I’ve learned and cling to daily as I walk through this life God’s allowed.


If you’ve struggled to “fit in”, be accepted or have the approval of others, meditate on these truths and pray the Lord reveals His own thoughts about HIS goal and unique plan for YOU, designed by Him to bring everlasting real change (a new heart) – that beats for Him and His glory, by His grace alone.


We’ve all heard “life isn’t lived on the mountain top, it’s lived in the valleys.” Well, I disagree! Some of the toughest terrain is found traveling and climbing toward that “mountain-top” we all long for. You know – that sense of accomplishment that we’ve somehow “arrived” so we can rest in our laurels, patting ourselves on the back for a job well done. When I study God’s word and explore the truths He engraves on my heart, that’s not what I sense Him saying to me. Longing for my Heavenly Father’s approval, hearing HIM say “well done, good and faithful servant” – that is something else entirely! It probably won’t come about the way “I” think it should. More often than not my most valuable lessons are learned on those difficult mountain-climbing paths, in ways I would’ve never planned or imagined. But, OH, the sweet fellowship that exists in the very presence of Jesus, our Savior who understands our struggles!


In the Bible are examples of ordinary folks who were UNCOMFORTABLE. They had to leave their family behind (Abraham), seemed drunk (Hannah), and ate bugs (John the Baptist). They were former prostitutes (Rahab), married a prostitute (Hosea), lied about (Joseph), lost everything (Job), adulterers (David), drunks (Noah) and murderers (Paul). They came from all walks of life – tax collector (Matthew), fisherman (James), tent-maker (Paul). They doubted (Thomas), denied Him (Peter), were bitter (Rachel) and disobeyed (Sampson). And yet God used them mightily- but first, they had to get “uncomfortable”. They were idol-worshippers, grumbled, held grudges, jealous, etc. They had to face temptation…and fail. They had to fall, sometimes over and over, until they finally learned to rest in the arms of God and His Sovereign love, mercy and grace. Some didn’t learn quickly (Simon Peter), suffered greatly (David) and some never learned (Judas). But, each had a divine purpose to be used by God, in His way, His timing and to further HIS kingdom.


Oh, that we will live UNCOMFORTABLE – until the whole world hears this song, through each difficult place: “My God is able to deliver me, but if He chooses not to, still I will praise Him and if He chooses to leave me “uncomfortable” for the rest of my life – So be it! It is what it is, He is who He says He is and that’s enough for me!”


This perspective is an attitude that you must CHOOSE. I saw this quote from a child… “If you’re feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color”. I would add: “Don’t stress over staying in the lines, worry about whether you’re using the “proper” crayon, and for heaven’s sake, don’t worry about other people’s coloring!” May we take each day that God gives us, fully relying on His grace when life gets “uncomfortable”. It may be just where God has placed us ON PURPOSE, to mold us into who HE wants us to be, to see what HE wants us to see, and to learn to love like HE wants us to love! I long to learn to see things through the lens of God’s word, His character and His purpose!


I hope these truths encourage you today… I love what I’ve learned being uncomfortable for Christ! May today find me closer to Him than yesterday, loving and knowing Him more, and ever content with exactly where HE has me!



Kathy Bailey is a passionate disciple of Jesus Christ and the founder of Compassion in Action Ministries for Women. In her daily life, she strives to encourage women to live active Christ-centered lives, full of compassion and grace.

The testimony of Kathy’s life is a compelling and gripping story of the power of God. In many ways her life was a living Holocaust, full of more sorrow and hurt than any random 100 people ever go through. Yet she is more than a conqueror! – By sharing her own personal experiences and often-humorous insights, Kathy enjoys speaking about the timeless truths in God’s Word that transform lives. If you are fortunate enough to hear Kathy speak, either in person or through reading her book, you will most surely be blessed and encouraged!

Connect with Kathy on Facebook, Twitter (@GodChaser628) and on her website: http://justcallmek.blogspot.com

You can purchase her book by clicking here.

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