



Welcome to Faith Stories. In the book of Proverbs we are urged to sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17) and one of the ways we do that is by recounting the ways in which Jesus has been very present in our lives. The book of Hebrews, which is the Scripture focus for my newest Bible study, is all about faith in Jesus Christ. Hebrews 11 is commonly known as the Hall of Faith because it offers us portrait after portrait of regular people trusting a mighty God. There is a place in that Hall of Faith for my portrait and yours. I would love for you to share your Faith Story. Go here to find out the guidelines for sharing.

Today, it is my distinct pleasure to provide you with the opportunity to hear the Faith Story of a real-life friend of mine. If you have done my Legacy Bible study, you have met Dr. Cindy Libert. Her testimony is included in the final week of the Legacy study. I’m thrilled that she has offered to share her story with you here on my blog. I know it will bless you as much as it blesses me.


Dr. Cindy Libert

Dr. Cindy Libert

The Christian religion I was taught as a child seemed to be based on rules, fear, and guilt.  During my adolescence I went through a process of rebellion.  I was analytical and skeptical.  I rejected organized religion. In fact, I questioned if Jesus of Nazareth was even a historical person or merely a mythical figure.  I found the existence of other major world religions, and the differences within Christianity to be particularly problematic.  I had a strong mistrust of the historical record, and I rejected the idea of humans being born sinful.  And even though I didn’t really believe in God, I was ironically perplexed and angry at Him for designing a universe that included so much suffering as a necessary evil.  Christianity was a large, jagged pill that I just could not swallow.

I went to college with high hopes of figuring out the mysteries of the universe for myself.  I left college, resigned to the belief that the Truth is unknowable.  My Christian education, however, did leave me with a sense of moral duty to lead an ethical life and to serve others.  I followed my passion for science and my desire to help others and enrolled in medical school.

After completing medical school I moved to Asheville, NC for residency training.  By my late twenties I was a wife and a mother of a young daughter.  Medical training was physically exhausting, spiritually depleting and all-consuming.  I continued to hunger for a sense of connection with something larger than myself.  I looked for answers in Eastern religions and the New Age Movement.  I tried to settle into an inclusive world view, one that acknowledges the wisdom of all religious traditions, a “One River, Many Wells” philosophy.  Yet, something was missing.  I found myself struggling with physical and emotional symptoms related to stress.  From the outside it seemed that I was on top of the world.  I was a young, healthy, physician with a loving husband, precious baby daughter, beautiful home, and a new career, but I was utterly lost.

In 2006 I got an invitation to start a medical practice in Blairsville, GA.  My husband and I took a leap of faith, and jumped on the opportunity.  After our move to Georgia, I attended a Christmas Concert at the First Baptist Church in Blairsville.  The pastor, Dr. Fred Lodge, asked us to take a moment to ask Jesus to come into our lives.  I was moved to do so with an open and hopeful heart.  My life has not been the same.

The year after I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior was rocky.  I had lots of doubts, psychological pains and emotional struggles, but I persisted in prayer, and kept asking God to reveal Himself to me in Truth.  I read the Bible frequently, and started to piece together the history of God’s People, and the beautiful connection between the Old and New Testament.  I also read a stack of popular Christian books.  Old ideas fell away, and my worldview shifted.  In May 2009, I was baptized.

I am now painfully and acutely aware of all the sinful ways that kept me from walking with the Lord sooner, namely arrogance, elitism, foolishness, pessimism, pride and fear.  My heart was hard and skeptical from years of academia and the influence of worldly principles.  I thought that I had to figure out all the answers for myself!  Now I am led to:

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV.

My past is important to understanding who I am and how I got here, but that part of my story is so much less important than the present reality I have in Christ. What I have in Christ is nothing short of a complete transformation of my mind, heart and spirit.  I now know Peace!  Before I knew Christ, I was unable to fathom the concept of faith.  Now I cherish my faith as the most precious gift in my life.  The study of God’s Word allows me to experience deeper, more meaningful and fruitful relationships with my husband, children, friends and family.  My practice as a doctor has been transformed as well.  I now believe that my highest calling as a physician is to point others toward Jesus Christ, the Great Physician.  I am now a new creation, born again to walk in His Spirit!  I experience His loving, comforting presence on a daily basis and rest in the knowledge that I am His beloved daughter and will spend eternity with Him.


Cindy’s Bio

Cynthia J. Libert, M.D. is passionate about helping patients achieve optimal health. She practices a holistic approach to health and wellness utilizing the best of modern medicine and evidence based complementary therapies. She has a special interest in natural approaches to healing and disease prevention through nutrition, physical fitness, stress-management and mind-body modalities. She enjoys running, cooking, and spending time in nature. She resides in Blairsville, Georgia with her husband and three daughters.

Dr. Libert is board certified in family medicine, and is a diplomat of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine.  She completed her residency training at Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) affiliated with UNC Chapel Hill at Mission Hospitals in Asheville, NC.  She received her medical degree from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago and did her undergraduate work at Saint Louis University where she graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelors of Science in Biology.  Dr. Libert is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

You can connect with Cindy on her blog at www.drlibert.org.

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