If you have been hanging around The Point for any amount of time, you will know that I have been writing another Bible study. The study is birthed out of the book of Hebrews and it’s focus is FAITH. Not just faith in any ole thing, but faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus…the One Who Was, Who Is and Who Is To Come.
Jesus….the second person of the Trinity.
Jesus…the Son of God who gave up His rightful place in heaven to come to earth and die for you and for me so we could have a relationship with God.
In Hebrews 11 we find the faith stories of many of the giants of our faith. Noah, Abel, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, and so many more. Most assuredly these were giants of our faith, but they were also real people. Normal everyday Noahs and Moseses. Average people who believed in an anything-but-average God. None of them had a clue that one day, thousands of years later, they would be considered HEROES OF FAITH. In fact, they probably would have laughed at anyone who would have suggested such a thing. My guess is that when each of them arrived in heaven and God said, “I’m writing a book and I’m putting your story in it,” they looked around and said, “Who, me?”
If Jesus’ return to earth is delayed for a couple hundred years, there are more stories to be written into the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith. Yours is one of them; so is mine. Have you ever written out your faith story? Would you be willing to share it? Your story is unique and no one else has a story exactly like it. Your story of what God has done in your life may be the story of what brought you to faith in Jesus Christ. Or, it may be how faith in Jesus brought you through a Galilee-like storm in your life. Your story may not be Broadway material, but it is your story, it is unique, and it is part of your legacy. Our stories are how we encourage others to find Jesus or walk more closely with Him.
Would you be willing to write your story down? Would you allow me the privilege of sharing your story right here at The Point? Please do not think your story is too ordinary or too boring to share. IT IS NOT! The world needs to hear about your faith in Jesus.
Beginning next week, I would like to share a different FAITH story each Wednesday. If you are willing to share your FAITH story, here are the details and guidelines:
- The story should be 750 words or less
- It must be in electronic format and emailed to me
- You should use at least one verse of Scripture
- Please do not use names of other people if doing so would bring dishonor or hurt to them. Generic references will be fine.
- I reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, and punctuation.
- If possible please send a three to four sentence bio about yourself that I can include with your story. For an example of a bio, click here.
- If you blog, have a website, Facebook page, Twitter page, etc, please send the links to those sites. I want to share the linky love!!!
PLEASE SEND YOUR FAITH STORY TO ME AT: pointministries@gmail.com . Please include a telephone number and email address where I can contact you. No compensation will be offered for your story and no childcare will be offered! (Can you tell I’m in women’s ministry?????)
Thank you for your willingness to share your FAITH story. I can’t wait to take this journey with you.