
This Giveaway Ended on February 2nd. Please see my website for information and pricing for my Life Coach Services.


It was late in 2000 and the Y2K non-event was already a distant memory. My husband and I had followed the leading of the Lord and moved back to our hometown in the beautiful north Georgia mountains one year prior. He started a new dental practice and I was working part-time in a local pharmacy. We were living within 15 minutes of the vast majority of our immediate family and felt blessed to be back in the small town where we grew up. Yet, something was missing for me.

I knew exactly what that ‘something’ was, but had no idea how to solve my problem. The ‘something’ I was missing was an intimate relationship with Jesus. A relationship like my Grandma Eula had that made one think she could actually see and talk to Him. I was hungry, Y’all! I was hungry for Jesus. My soul was so parched that I was certain that if I did not figure out a way to develop that relationship with Christ my heart might wither away. Decades prior I had asked Jesus to be my Savior, but I had never done the first thing to really allow Him to be my Lord and best friend.

Thankfully, God placed a friend in my path who came alongside me and guided me toward in-depth Bible study, prayer, and face-to-face fellowship with other women. Together with six other women we explored Scripture and learned the amazing power of prayer. It was life-changing for me and I will never go back to a life without an intimate relationship with Jesus.





What about you? Have you ever wished you had a ‘personal trainer’ for your Christian walk?

A personal trainer for physical fitness is someone who works one-on-one with a client to develop goals and strategies that help the client become more physically fit. The trainer also helps the client identify obstacles that stand in the way of their client achieving those goals. They cheer their client on and encourage them to find ways to move past those obstacles.

A personal trainer for your Christian walk is also known as a Life Coach. A Biblical Life Coach does everything a physical personal trainer does, but they do it from the foundation of Scripture and with the goal of making the client’s walk with Christ more intimate.

A Biblical Life Coach does so much more, though. They are trained to:

  • Help their clients get out of a rut in their personal, spiritual, or relational life
  • Identify values, dreams, and passions of their clients, and help the client live them out
  • Walk with clients and help them successfully navigate significant life events, such as career changes, moving to a new home or city, empty nesting, and so much more
  • Assist clients in navigating difficult relationships
  • Help clients gain clarity in work, marriage, or ministry (NOTE: I am not a marriage coach, so if your marriage is in jeopardy, you likely do not need a coach…you need a counselor or therapist)
  • Provide accountability and encouragement on the client’s life journey
  • And so much more

Hiring a Life Coach is an investment in YOU!

Perhaps you know God is encouraging you toward something new, but just can’t quite put your finger on it. You have dreams, passions, and goals for your life, but need to discover how to prioritize and channel them. Maybe you just need some accountability in your life to stay on track with a project, kick a habit, or make a life change.

Invest in YOU, friend!

It would be such an honor to serve as your Life Coach. In celebration of the opening of my Life Coaching business, Leah C. Adams, Biblical Life Coach, LLC, I am giving away 5 coaching packages to 5 women. Each coaching package includes a 30-minute FREE assessment consult and 3 FREE coaching sessions. Each coaching session lasts 50 minutes and is done via telephone, Skype, FaceTime, or email. Local clients have the option of meeting face-to-face. Clients will set the coaching schedule (every week, every 2 weeks, every month, etc) and conversation agenda. Each giveaway package is a $135 value, but during this giveaway, they are FREEEEEE to the 5 winners.

Here are the requirements to win:

  1. Women only
  2. Age greater than 18.
  3. In an email to me, be able to identify an area of your life or a concern that you would like to work on with a life coach.
  4. Commit to actively participating in at least 3 of the 4 sessions.
  5. Email me at coaching@leahadams.org and tell me you are interested in being entered to win a package and share about the area of your life or issue on which you would like to work.

That’s it. The giveaway will be open until Saturday morning, February 2nd. At that time I will notify the winners and give them further instructions.

Make an investment in you today!


NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.








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