Welcome to ‘everyday jesus: seeing him in the dailyness of life’. These Monday posts are all about being intentional in looking for Jesus in our everyday lives. I want to do that, and I want you to do it, too. That’s why I am making this series ‘interactive’. I want you to share your ‘everyday jesus’ story. #everydayjesus I will tell you how after I share my story.
While walking with Jesus is always a blessing and a joy, not every interaction with Jesus is fun-filled. Just as with any parent, there are times of conviction, correction and discipline. Today in my ‘everyday jesus’ post, I share one of those times.
If my walk with Jesus were a term paper being graded by Him, there are times when my grade would be an A, but there are other times when there would be a big, red “D” or maybe an “F” emblazoned on the top of my paper. This week, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit of something that would most certainly garner an “F”.
Greg and I have been members of one of the local gym for several years. I swim, while Greg uses the elliptical. Over the past year or two, several new people have joined the gym, and exercise at the same time we do. One of them, T, a woman in her 40s, rides the stationary bike or uses the elliptical. Because I swim, I have never had a conversation with her. We rarely are in the shower area at the same time, so my interaction with her has only been a ‘good morning’ or ‘hello’.
After the Christmas holidays were over, I didn’t think much about the fact that I had not seen T at the gym. Early last week, one of the other ladies stopped me on the way into the dressing room and asked me if I had heard about T. I told her I had not. What she told me broke my heart.
Apparently T began having headaches over Christmas. Long story short, T has been diagnosed with multiple malignant tumors in her brain and liver. The prognosis is poor.
I could not believe it. She had been at the gym, looking healthy and exercising as usual just 3 weeks ago. The lady who gave me the news then went on to tell me that she was not sure T knew Jesus. Now, my heart was truly saddened…and convicted.
Although I had never carried on a conversation with T, conviction washed over me. I had never taken the time to get to know her, and perhaps share Jesus with her. Immediately I began praying that the Lord would send someone into T’s hospital room who would share Jesus with her before it is too late.
Friends, how often do you and I fail to share Jesus with someone in our peripheral worlds? I fear that when I stand before Him, and He asks why I didn’t share with T about Him, the excuse of ‘I never had a conversation with her’ will sound pretty lame.
I have spent time before the Father, asking Him to forgive me for failing to share Jesus with T. I’ve also asked Him to give me boldness, coupled with winsomeness, to share Jesus at every opportunity.
That’s my ‘everyday jesus’ story for this week. I hope you will share your story. Email it to me at pointministries@gmail.com. I would love to share it on Thursday.
Once again, here is how this series works:
I believe that every follower of Jesus Christ experiences Jesus at work in their life. Sometimes we are aware of His presence and work; sometimes, not so much. This series, everyday jesus, is all about being intentional about looking for the Lord as we go through our day-to-day life. You notice I said ‘looking for the Lord as WE go through OUR day-to-day life. I want you to contribute to my Monday series. How, you say? Here’s the skinny of how we will roll with the series:
- Each Monday I will offer a post sharing at least one way that I have seen Jesus at work in my life in the past week.
- Then, I am going to ask you to share with me, via email at pointministries@gmail.com (copy and paste the email addy to make it easy), a story of how Jesus has been at work in your life in recent days.
- On Thursdays, I will share any stories I receive right here on the blog. Your story may be one paragraph, or up to 500 words. You can ask for it to be anonymous, or we can share your name. I will be happy to link to your blog (if you have one) and any social media you are involved in (please send me the links in your email). You can offer as many or as few everyday jesus stories as you would like. Really, the more, the merrier.
- I do ask that you respect other people, with regard to stories and names. If your story involves another person, please ask them for permission to name them.