
I spend no small amount of time praying over each post I offer here at my blog. I believe the Lord has allowed me this platform to use for His glory, so it is important that the words I offer are His words, and not my own. As I asked Him for wisdom regarding a 2015 series for Mondays, He reminded me of a prayer that I have prayed repeatedly over the last 15 or so years. It goes something like this:


Lord, help me to see you in the daily-ness of life. Please help me to see your hand at work somewhere in my life every day.


For those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit of God is actively, continually at work in our lives. It is not a matter of ginning up the Spirit. No, He is present and working. We simply must pay attention to what He is up to.

Some days I am good at it, others, not so much. If I allow ‘self’ to be the focus, then I miss much of what the Lord is doing in my everyday life. But, if I have my eyes fixed on Jesus, then His workings in my life are displayed in glorious Technicolor.




So, Jesus and I decided that my Monday series for 2015 would be all about how He is working in my life, and in yours. It will be called everyday jesus: seeing him in the daily-ness of life, and I pray it will encourage each of us to look for Jesus in our everyday lives. I want Y-O-U to contribute to this series. Here is the plan….subject to change….but we will roll with this for now.


  1. Each Monday I will offer a post sharing one way that I have seen Jesus at work in my life in the past week.
  2. Then, I am going to ask you to share with me, via email at pointministries@gmail.com, a story of how Jesus has been at work in your life in recent days.
  3. On Thursdays, and perhaps a few Mondays, I will share YOUR everyday jesus stories here on the blog. Your story may be one paragraph or up to 500 words. You can ask for it to be anonymous, or we can share your name. I will be happy to link to your blog (if you have one) and any social media you are involved in. You can offer as many or as few everyday jesus stories as you would like. Really, the more, the merrier.
  4. I do ask that you respect other people, with regard to stories and names. If your story involves another person, please ask them for permission to name them.
  5. If you prefer to leave your everyday jesus story in the comments on Monday, you may, but I would really love for you to email it to me so I can share it on Thursdays.



I am looking forward to this series. I believe it will help all of us be intentional in seeking out Jesus in our daily lives. I hope you will begin today watching for Jesus at work in your life, and plan to join me on January 5th, 2015 for everyday jesus: seeing him in the daily-ness of life.


Linking up on Tuesday with Kelly Balarie at the ever-so-fun #RaRaLinkUp.



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