
Linking up on Tuesday with Kellie Balarie for the #RaRalinkup.


Hello there! I’m so glad you stopped in. Today is the first Monday of 2015, and I’m delighted to introduce you to the series that I will be doing right here each Monday. It is called everyday jesus: seeing him in the daily-ness of life. #everydayjesus



I believe that every follower of Jesus Christ experiences Jesus at work in their life. Sometimes we are aware of His presence and work; sometimes, not so much. This series, everyday jesus, is all about being intentional about looking for the Lord as we go through our day-to-day life. You notice I said ‘looking for the Lord as WE go through OUR day-to-day life. I want you to contribute to my Monday series. How, you say? Here’s the skinny of how we will roll with the series:

  1. Each Monday I will offer a post sharing at least one way that I have seen Jesus at work in my life in the past week.
  2. Then, I am going to ask you to share with me, via email at pointministries@gmail.com (copy and paste the email addy to make it easy), a story of how Jesus has been at work in your life in recent days.
  3. On Thursdays, I will share any stories I receive right here on the blog. Your story may be one paragraph, or up to 500 words. You can ask for it to be anonymous, or we can share your name. I will be happy to link to your blog (if you have one) and any social media you are involved in (please send me the links in your email). You can offer as many or as few everyday jesus stories as you would like. Really, the more, the merrier.
  4. I do ask that you respect other people, with regard to stories and names. If your story involves another person, please ask them for permission to name them.

So, that is how it all works. Now, without further delay, I will share my everyday jesus story. #everydayjesus

I don’t mind telling you, my friends, that it has been a tough season for me. Really, 2014 was a tough year, but especially the past 5 or 6 weeks have been brutal. Between sending my Mother to her heavenly address, and finding myself in the middle of a gargantuan disagreement/misunderstanding with someone I love very much, I have just wanted to climb into bed, pull the covers over my head, and not come out for a decade or three. I’ve shed more tears in the past 6 weeks than I would have imagined the old tear ducts being capable of holding.

With that said, I want you to know that my faith has NOT been shaken. More than ever before, I held tightly to my Jesus, trusting Him to guide, comfort, and work. In doing so, Jesus knew I needed a bit of encouragement along the way, and He provided that recently.

A few months ago, I began to pray about which study my Tuesday morning ladies group would tackle in the New Year. The Lord made it clear that it would be Beth Moore’s newest offering that focuses on the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Children of the Day. Last week, I purchased the workbooks and DVDs, and began the homework. As I worked on Week 1, Day 2, I was stunned at how specifically that day of the study spoke into my current circumstances. What incredible encouragement that was! Even more than that, the Lord used the fact that the study was so personal to me to confirm that I had heard Him correctly when I chose this study for my group. Jesus knew what I needed. As I sought His plan, He was faithful to provide what was needed. #everydayjesus

That’s my everyday jesus story for this week. Now, it’s your turn. Send me your everyday jesus story via email to pointministries@gmail.com. I look forward to reading your story and sharing it later this week. #everydayjesus

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