
Everyday Jesus is with us. #everydayjesus. In my Monday series, I am being intentional in seeing Jesus in the daily-ness of life. Sometimes He is more evident than other times. Sometimes, I have to quiet myself, look back on the week, and ask Him to show me when and where He was present. Today I want to share with you how Jesus made Himself very visible as He answered a prayer I had been praying for a few months.




It has been about a year and a half since I finished writing HeBrews: A Better Blend. Writing a Bible study is hard work, friends. It requires mental concentration, spiritual oneness with the Holy Spirit, and lots of uninterrupted time. After writing From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy, my heart was not moved to write something major again for about 2 years. Then, the Lord directed me to write from the book of Hebrews, and thus HeBrews: A Better Blend was birthed.

A few months ago, after a year and half without the itch to write anything substantial, the itch began returning. I had already begun to pray about what the next writing project would look like. Once I knew I would write again, I began to ask the Lord, in earnest, to show me the topic, the title, the Scriptures, the words of the next writing project. I had hoped it would be another Bible study, but knew that was up to God. About ten days ago, I began to sense that the next project would likely be another study.

This week, the Lord made clear to me what that project will be. I wrestled for the better part of a half-day with the title of the project. I played with at least ten different titles, and nearly gave up. Finally, He gave me the working title of my next major project. This is how He works with me. He gives me one small piece at a time, until eventually, I have the entire revelation of His will for my writing. Thank you, Lord, for entrusting me with words that point the world to YOU. I’m humbled, and I’m honored.

Let the writing commence!


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