
Have you ever had Jesus just surprise you with His presence? That is what happened last week, and that is what my everyday jesus story is about this week. Each Monday I share some way in which I have seen Jesus in my everyday life in the week or so prior. These stories encourage me to have ‘jesus eyes’ to see where He is at work in my everyday, walking around life. I hope they are encouraging you to look for Jesus in your daily life, as well. #everydayjesus





Jesus cares about the little things in our lives…the little things, the big things, the cold things, the warm things…He cares. And, He wants us to know it. 

Because I live in a small town, we do not have natural gas for heating. Homes in our area are heated with propane, which requires large, rather ugly propane tanks to be set alongside the home. We have a 1000 gallon tank, which needs to be filled a couple of times a year. We typically fill it up in the late summer, and then again mid-winter. I usually try to keep a pretty close eye on the gauge, and call the propane company when we have around 10% or so left.

I came home on Tuesday to find the propane truck backed up near our tank, pumping gallons of propane into it. I could tell my husband was nearby talking to the driver, so I went into the house, not thinking too much about it. We swapped over to a new propane company a couple of years ago, so I just assumed that perhaps our friend, who manages that office has sent the driver out to ‘top us off’.

In about 20 minutes, Greg came in the house, and told me that we had gotten filled up with propane. I told him that I saw the truck, and wondered why they had come.

He said that he knew we would be having some brutally cold weather later in the week, and had told the ladies who work for him to be sure and go home and check their propane tanks to make sure they had enough. Greg came home and looked at our tank at 5pm. Here is the conversation that ensued between Greg and me.


He asked me, ‘Do you know how much propane we had in the tank?


I guessed, “Maybe 15%?”


“Zero. We had NO propane in the tank. None”, said my knight in shining armor.


“But, the heat was still running,” said I.


“It wouldn’t have been for long. We were out,” came the words from my Man.


In what might have been the biggest understatement of the day, I said, “Whew, Jesus was sure looking out for us!”

Beginning that evening and going through Friday of that week, we have not had temperatures above freezing. Thank you, Jesus, for prompting Greg to check our propane tank. Thank you that the propane company was out within 15 minutes to fill our tank. #everydayjesus


Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. (Matthew 6:26, 32) NKJV


I’d love to hear your everyday jesus story. Share it with me, either in the comments or via email pointministries@gmail.com. I know I cannot be the only one who sees Jesus in my daily life. Thanks for joining me today.


Linking up on Tuesday with Kelly Balarie at Purposeful Faith’s Cheerleading Linkup #RaRalinkup


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