You know how sometimes Jesus’ presence is quiet, but other times it is like he shouts, ‘Okay, people, I’m here. Pay attention. This is a Jesus moment.’ Last week I had one of those ‘okay people, I’m here’ moments, and today I share it with you as my everyday jesus story. #everydayjesus
If you are new to my Monday series, welcome. everyday jesus: seeing him in the daily-ness of life is my way of sharing how, where, and when I see Jesus in my everyday life. In this series, I am inviting you to be a co-author. I am asking you to share, via email, your everyday jesus (#everydayjesus) stories with me. Then I will share them with my readers right here on the blog. After I share my story today, I will remind you of how this series works at the end of the post.
I am blessed, blessed, blessed to be part of a small group of ladies who have been meeting together for about 15 years to study the Bible. We usually number between 8 and 15 ladies. While there are three of us who have been in the group from the beginning, this winter session we have other long-time participants, plus three new faces. Two of these new ladies are relatively new Christians. It has been so cool to watch and listen to the excitement and hunger of these two babes in Christ.
I had an opportunity last week to sit down over lunch with one of these ladies, plus two others from our group. At first we spoke only of surface level things, family, etc. Then, Jesus sat down at the table!
We began discussing the things that we had talked about in our latest group meeting. The lady who is the newest Christian of the group excitedly told us how she cannot seem to get enough of studying the Bible. She said that she doesn’t really want to work ahead in the current study we are doing, but she is so taken with the Word that she wants more and more. We encouraged her to absolutely work ahead, if Jesus leads her in that direction. There is such beauty in a fresh awareness of grace that those of us who have walked with Jesus for a few seasons may forget.
As we continued our lunch, one of the ladies shared how deeply the material from that week’s video had impacted her. Each of us encouraged her to take what she was feeling straight to the feet of Jesus, and ask Him to help her process and act on it. I feel that the four of us really bonded over that meal, as we shared how Jesus is working in our hearts. I had the opportunity to reassure the newest Christian in the group that she was saved, even though she had not felt a lightning bolt or seen stars when she prayed and asked Jesus into her heart. The experience is different for each of us, and hers was no less authentic because it lacked great drama.
As I sat there at that table with those precious ladies I thought, “Wow, Jesus, you are here in this moment! Thank you for letting me be part of it.” I am so blessed to be part of a group that is helping other Christians grow in their walk with Jesus.
Are you part of a small group Bible study? Are you actively growing in your walk with Christ through prayer and Bible study? Are you encouraging others in their walk with Jesus?
That’s my everyday jesus story for this week. I’d love to hear yours. Here’s how.
I believe that every follower of Jesus Christ experiences Jesus at work in their life. Sometimes we are aware of His presence and work; sometimes, not so much. This series, everyday jesus, is all about being intentional about looking for the Lord as we go through our day-to-day life. You notice I said ‘looking for the Lord as WE go through OUR day-to-day life. I want you to contribute to my Monday series. How, you say? Here’s the skinny of how we will roll with the series:
- Each Monday I will offer a post sharing at least one way that I have seen Jesus at work in my life in the past week.
- Then, I am going to ask you to share with me, via email at (copy and paste the email addy to make it easy), a story of how Jesus has been at work in your life in recent days.
- On Thursdays, I will share any stories I receive right here on the blog. Your story may be one paragraph, or up to 500 words. You can ask for it to be anonymous, or we can share your name. I will be happy to link to your blog (if you have one) and any social media you are involved in (please send me the links in your email). You can offer as many or as few everyday jesus stories as you would like. Really, the more, the merrier.
- I do ask that you respect other people, with regard to stories and names. If your story involves another person, please ask them for permission to name them.
I will be linking this post up at Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup on Tuesday!!!