


Today, I am delighted to share my friend, Pat’s, everyday jesus story with you. #everydayjesus  You would have to know Pat to truly appreciate this story, but let me tell you a bit about her.


Pat is a wild woman. I say that in the nicest sense. She is a born and bred New Yorker, who transplanted to Georgia years ago. She is a woman in love with Jesus, and has had many opportunities in these last few years to test out if He is really Who He says He is. Pat has been through the fire, and has come forth as gold. She is a mother of two beautiful adult daughters who love Jesus with all their heart. She is a grandmother of six adorable kids ranging in age from a senior in high school to the most adorable under-ten kids you can imagine. Pat and her family run Camp Jabez, a retreat center in the north Georgia Mountains. I consider Pat to be such a dear friend, and am so pleased that she gave me permission to tell her everyday jesus story. I wish you could hear Pat tell it, because she had me bent double laughing when she told me. Please welcome my friend, Pat.


Last week, when Pat left home to go to work, she discovered a flat tire on her car. Her sons-in-law and daughters were already gone to work. What to do?

Pat found a tire inflator attachment for a compressor, and pumped up her tire so that she could drive to the tire shop, and get it fixed. So, off she went the 15 or so miles into our town to the tire shop.

She arrived at the shop, told them the problem, and waited while they repaired her tire. In a bit, one of the employees came out to the waiting area and called out, “who owns the white Honda?”

Pat acknowledged that she did.

The man looked at her and said, “Ma’am, you have a hundred pounds of pressure in that tire.”

Pat replied, “Is that a problem?

He replied, “It should have exploded on the way to town, and sent your car airborne. Those tires require a maximum of 35 pounds of pressure.”

To which, Pat replied, “Ohhhh!” 

After the tire was repaired, the owner of the shop told Pat to please not put anymore air in her tires on her own. He made sure she understood that if she needs to come to the shop twice a week to have him check the pressure, she should do just that!!

Talk about an everyday jesus story! Truly, Jesus was with Pat, not only in the fact that the tire didn’t explode while she was inflating it, but also that she made it to the tire shop without a horrible accident. Although Pat and I laughed hysterically over her telling of the event, we both knew that the Lord had miraculously protected her.


Thank you, Pat, for allowing me to share your everyday jesus story. #everydayjesus


Dear friend, do you have an everyday jesus story to share with me? Please email it to me at pointministries@gmail.com.


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