Sometimes Jesus whispers to us, other times He uses a megaphone and shouts. Sometimes He says something one time, other times He pours a repeating message into my heart. Today’s everyday jesus story is one of those shouting, repeating stories. I’m so glad you are joining me today. I invite you to email me ( your everyday jesus story so I can share it with others here. Let your story be part of encouraging others to look for Jesus in their everyday lives. #everydayjesus
I always know that Jesus is trying to get my attention and teach me something new when He starts repeating a concept. He knows I am a slow learner, I suppose. The first time it happened to me in a big way was many years ago when Romans 12:1-2 began popping up almost everywhere I looked.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)
Over the course of almost 2 years, these verses were burned into my heart and memory. I would hear them in sermons, Sunday school lessons, on the radio, in books I read. Flitter, I fully expected to walk into a public restroom and find them scrawled on the bathroom wall. That was how often I found references to them in everyday life. I could write for a long time on how the Lord has used those two verses in my life, but that is not the topic of today’s post.
In the past eight months or so, Jesus has brought an issue to the forefront of my mind. It is something that needs work in my life. My attitude toward this issue is sinful, and the Holy Spirit has begun to convict me of it. In the past couple of weeks, He has turned up the heat to near boiling point.
I read a blog post that did everything but call my name out on this issue. The writer of the post was new to me, but it was like she had been reading my mail. Then, I heard a sermon that related to it that nearly brought me to tears. Two days later, a Bible study video addressed the same issue, then two more days later two separate radio programs, aired back to back by different speakers……you got it. On the same topic.
Okay, Lord, I get it! I’m hearing you megaphone loud and clear.
Even as I went back and looked at what I just wrote…Romans 12:1-2….I heard the Lord speaking to me about this issue through those verses, even though this issue is not named in those verse. Good grief! That’s the beauty of the living and active Word of God.
So, friends, as Jesus has spoken to me, I must choose whether to respond or ignore His promptings. I’ve walked with Him long enough to know that the better part of wisdom is to respond, and go with Him on the journey to which He is beckoning me. He is calling me to repentance, healing, and wholeness in this issue. He does it for my good, and for His glory.
And by the way, my word for 2015….RENEW….well, this issue definitely pertains to being renewed. That’s my everyday jesus story. What is yours?