
Do you have a teen girl in your life? If you answered, “YES”, I know you will want to meet my friend, Melanie Redd. Melanie is an encourager, prayer warrior, and a woman who loves Jesus. She is also the author of a brand new devotional book for teen girls entitled, Live in Light.



I have read some of Melanie’s book and it is good, y’all. I’m so eager for you to meet Melanie, so here is the interview I did with her.

Meet Melanie!

Leah: I may have readers who have not had the pleasure of ‘meeting’ you online. What would you like for my readers to know about you? Please introduce yourself to them.

Melanie: It’s pretty simple: I’m a woman on a mission to offer hope and encouragement to others. Raised in the south, I speak with a twang, very polite words, and a great big smile.

My husband and I have been in full-time ministry for over 20 years now. He’s a professor and a minister; I’m a writer, blogger, and speaker. We have two young adult kids and a very hyper Australian Shepherd puppy— all living under the same roof.


Melanie Redd


Leah: What occupies your free time? Hobbies, interests

Melanie: I love to laugh, talk for hours with good friends, and enjoy great food.

In addition, I spend a lot of time on the move – riding a bike in Spin Class, walking as many miles as I can, lifting weights, and trying to stay active. My husband and I love to hike and explore the woods as often as we can. We also love to try new restaurants and cook out on the grill.

Additionally, I’m involved in a couple of local Bible studies and leading the women’s ministry at my church. Each Monday night, I teach a class of future pastor’s wives called, “Leading Women to the Heart of God.”

Leah: What are some items on your bucket list?

Melanie: I’d love to travel more in the next few years. We’ve just finished paying for our kids to go to college. We’d like to get out and explore the world now – even if it’s just across some state lines!

A few ministry bucket list items – write and publish more books, speak as God opens the doors, launch a radio show, and maybe even launch a TV show. (We will see!)

Leah: How did you develop an interest in writing and when did you begin writing seriously?

As a child, I loved to write. English, creative writing, and penmanship were always where I excelled. My 3rdgrade teacher was one who especially encouraged me to write.

In college, I majored in education with a minor in English. My best subjects were those that required essays and long papers. Writing always came easy for me. (Melanie, you and I might be sisters separated at birth!!)

As a young adult, I was contacted by Lifeway to write Sunday school curriculum and materials. For over 10 years, I wrote with Lifeway. Then, a few years ago, I published my first book and started a blog. Five books later, and I am still having a blast typing out words!

Leah: Every book has a back story. What is the back story behind your book? What was the impetus for you to write this book?

Melanie: As a seventh grader, I was approached by an older girl in my church about spending weekly time one-on-one learning what it meant to walk with Jesus personally. Each week we met to talk about things like having a quiet time, prayer, reading the Bible, and living for the Lord. Then, in 9th grade, I attended a summer camp where God really got a hold of my heart. I completely surrendered my life to Him and began an incredible adventure walking with Him.

And, after all of these years, I’ve never gotten over it! 

What happened in my teen years affected and influenced the trajectory of my life for good. So, when asked to write a devotional book for teen girls encouraging them to walk with God, I jumped at the opportunity.

Leah: Share with us a bit about your book.

Melanie: Live in Light is a very easy-to-read and practical devotional that any girl can pick up and enjoy. There are 150 short devotions, complete with a Bible verse, a story or example, a Bible truth, and a challenge for the day.

The book can be read alone or shared as a part of family devotions. Mothers and daughters are choosing to read the book together. Even grandmothers and granddaughters are taking this adventure together.

Leah: Why should someone read your book? What does it offer them personally?

Melanie: I believe this little volume extends an invitation to girls to draw close to the Light – Jesus Christ. In a day when our girls are being pulled in every direction, my prayer is that the few moments teen girls spend reading each morning will make an impact.

We are praying that God will get the attention and the hearts of girls around the globe and create in them a thirst for the things of God.

Further, the book is written for teens to use quickly each day—maximizing their time. In just 5-10 minutes, they will be given scripture, hope, instruction, and ideas. It’s written to them, for them, about them, and with them in mind.

Leah: How can my readers find you? Blog? Social media?

Melanie: I’d love to connect with your readers on social media.

I’m on these channels:



Linked In



Leah: When and will your book be available to the public?

Melanie: The book will be available on April 8. However, you can pre-order a copy on Amazon HERE.

Leah: What final thoughts would you like to share with my readers?

Melanie: Thank you for taking the time to read about my life and this new devotional for teen girls. I’m blessed and honored that you did. And, may I encourage you with this truth today – God adores you and has an amazing plan for your life. No matter where you are, what you are dealing with, or what you have just been through—He cares for you.

One of my favorite verses comes from Zephaniah 3:17. I’d love to share it as I close:

“For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”


GIVEAWAY! I am giving away a copy of Melanie’s book over on my Instagram page. If you are on IG and want to win a copy of this wonderful devo for teen girls, click over to my IG page, follow me if you do not already, and enter to win.


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