
Hello friends! How are you doing?

I am not just asking that as a matter of courtesy. No, I am sincerely interested in how your heart is doing in these strange and crazy days in which we live. Do you feel like you have totally lost your ‘normal’? Are there a million things churning in your head and heart?

How may I serve you?

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Coaching Moments with Leah Videos


As I pondered what the Lord would have me offer via my monthly blog post, I felt that I could best serve you by offering a few videos from my Coaching Moments with Leah series. This series is one that I do each Friday and post on Instagram and my business Facebook page. In each video, I answer a question that has been sent to me by listeners, friends, and followers. The question topics are varied and many. I have answered questions about finances, faith, priorities and boundaries. I would love for you to send me any questions you have and I will attempt to answer them on a future Coaching Moments with Leah video.

I have two goals for these videos:

  • First and foremost, to serve my people (that’s you!) and answer their questions as the Lord gives me wisdom
  • I want to help others understand what life and financial coaching is all about and how it can benefit them

I hope these videos are beneficial to you. Please consider going to my YouTube channel and subscribing. That way you will be notified each time I post a new video.


This first video deals with the topic of financial coaching and how it can benefit you. We are living in uncertain times in so many areas of our lives, and none more so than in our finances. Yet, having a good financial foundation…a plan for walking in financial freedom can reduce the stress and anxiety that times like these can bring to our hearts and minds.


In this video, I answer a question about discerning what God’s will is for our lives. This is a question that so many Christians ask at one time or another. How do I know what God’s will is for my life? I developed a FREE download to go along with this video and I would love for you to have it. Go HERE to get it.


In this video I talk about the importance of having an emergency fund to stabilize you in the middle of…well, an emergency. I am offering a Peace of Mind Emergency Fund Challenge to help you build your beginner emergency fund of $1000. Go HERE to join the challenge.


This final video offers advice on how to set priorities and boundaries for our lives. Many people have never given much thought to setting boundaries, but boundaries are crucial in order for you and me to live healthy lives and make wise decisions. No one can be all things to all people, so the sooner we learn to exercise our ‘no’ muscle for our own benefit, the more peace we will have.

I hope these videos have been a blessing and an encouragement to you. If I can serve you in any way through my Life Coaching or Financial Coaching practice, I would be honored to do so.


NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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Coaching Moments with Leah Videos
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Hell ~ 4 Things Jesus Wants You to Know About Hell
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The Rider on the White Horse ~ Revelation 6
Guess Who? The Strong Angel of Revelation 10
Mentoring: Lessons from An Older Woman
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