

I’m popping in from my blogging break to remind you that books make a great gift and awesome stocking stuffers! And I just happen to have written a handful that you might want to consider as you look for that certain gift for your special someone.

My latest Bible study, Tasting Grace, is all about mentoring and food.

Tasting Grace Cover


Tasting Grace: A Mentoring in the Kitchen Bible Study is a 4 week Bible study that examines the concept of biblical mentoring. The book also includes an event planning guide to help ladies create their own Tasting Grace mentoring in the kitchen event.

Praise for Tasting Grace

“I am a huge fan of the Leah-and-Jan approach to mentoring women. Kitchen counters become sacred spaces and holy conversations take place over the clack and clatter of pans and dishes. The women laugh, lament life’s painful bent and boast in Jesus and His gracious sufficiency. Godly counsel stirs up over savory chopped garlic and discipleship rises warm from the oven with the scents of cinnamon. I’m not sure a person can find a better combination for tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.” 

~~ Beth Moore, Bible study author, Christian speaker and teacher

You may order Tasting Grace from Amazon or Warner Press by clicking each link.


Perhaps you have someone on your gift list who really likes in-depth Bible studies. Have I got one for you! HeBrews: A Better Blend takes the student on an eight week journey of discovery through the biblical book of Hebrews. Combining in-depth Bible study and delicious dessert recipes, this study will satisfy your tummy and your soul.




But it now from Amazon and Warner Press.

There is a downloadable leader guide for those wishing to lead a small group through the study.



Finally, When Words Won’t Come is a pocket sized devotion book that offers comforting words from the Scriptures to speak into the heart. Challenging. Encouraging. Practical. Real. The scripture and devotionals in this book will meet you right where you are. You will be reminded of who God is, of your purpose in this world and that Someone is in control of a world that seems to be spinning out of control. When you are facing difficulties and have no words, you will be reminded that God’s Word always has an answer for every situation you face.

Leah Adams.org

This little gem can be purchased from Amazon or Warner Press.

I would love to give away a few copies of Tasting Grace to kick off the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Here’s how the giveaway will roll. 

The first five people who email me a paid receipt for the purchase of any of my books from any retailer (brick-and-mortar store or online) will receive a FREE copy of Tasting Grace to give as a Christmas gift or keep for themselves. Qualifying purchases must be made after August 1, 2016. You may email the receipt to info@leahadams.org. One entry per person and household, please. I apologize to my friends outside the US, but this is limited to USA mainland only. 

Ready, set, GO!

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