We are halfway there. You and I have memorized 12 verses of Scripture in the past 6 months and doesn’t it feel good!!!
Now, don’t start getting down on yourself if you have not memorized all 12 verses. There is NO condemnation here. Life happens and things get in the way. Maybe you have only memorized 6 or 8 verses. Flitter, you may have only memorized 2 verses. That is great! Those verses hidden in your heart are treasures. BUT, now is the time to jump back in and join us for the final 12 verses. Don’t delay! Choose a verse, leave a comment letting us know what it is and get to memorizing it, girl.
As you may recall, I’m memorizing all of Psalm 139 this year and we have come to my very favorite part of this Psalm. Oh, the tenderness in the Lord’s words as He reminds us that HE KNOWS US and HE KNEW US long before we were ever knit together in our mother’s wombs. We are His special treasure and He made us each unique and special.
Yes, YOU are unique and special. Just the way you are. Oh, you and I are always looking to change something about ourselves, but God’s design for you and for me was His idea and He called it “good”. So, today bask in the care and love of the Father who knit you together.
Psalm 139: 13 (NIV)
For you created my inmost being; you knit me
together in my mother’s womb