
Notable Quotes

I read a lot. And I am always finding quotes that touch my heart. And I think to myself, “I need to remember this one or that one.” Then I promptly forget it….or forget where I saw it. So, I have begun to accumulate notable quotes in one place for...

Authentic: What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

It all began in 2008. Somewhere…perhaps in a Bible study or a sermon…Romans 12:1-2 floated into my heart like an autumn leaf twirling to the ground. It was not an unfamiliar pair of verses, but neither were they sealed into my memory….yet. Before long, these verses...

The Loft Link-Up ~ Friendship

Friendship is a treasure not to be taken for granted, and it is the topic of today’s link-up. I thought it might be fun to offer a couple of great quotes about friendship, so here goes. I adore Winnie the Pooh, so here is a great quote from a Pooh book.  ...

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