by Leah | Apr 15, 2016 | Character/Holiness, Faith, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Prayer, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Wisdom |
Today I want us to ponder something that all of us experience, yet many of us never find a way to crawl out of it. But, I know there is a way. Is there an area of your life in which you constantly feel defeated? A portion of your walk where you cannot seem to...
by Leah | Mar 18, 2016 | Character/Holiness, Faith, God's Love, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ |
Do you recall singing the song entitled They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love when you were younger? We sang it a lot when I was a teen. Consider the lyrics. (MetroLyrics ~ Jars of Clay): We are one in the Spirit We are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit...
by Leah | Feb 26, 2016 | Faith, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Wisdom |
I do not recall ever posting, in this space, anything overtly political. Ever in ten solid years. But today, that changes. You see, I have had enough conversations over the past few months to come to the conclusion that many of you are in the same space I am in...
by Leah | Dec 28, 2015 | Faith, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Wisdom |
Sometimes you pray and ask God for something that you think you really want. Then when He answers your prayers, you discover that perhaps you are a just a little bit miffed at the answer He gave. So it is with my One Word for 2016. For the past several...
by Leah | Dec 14, 2015 | Christmas, Obedience/Submission, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Welcome, friend, to our visits with a few of the characters of the Christmas story that we sometimes gloss over. God included them in the story, so we believe they have purpose. If you missed the first post about Caesar Augustus, you can find it HERE. Today we turn...
by Leah | Dec 11, 2015 | Character/Holiness, Faith, God's Love, God's Protection, Obedience/Submission, Prayer, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Wisdom |
Frequently, it seems the Lord places me in the middle of His classroom and teaches me a few life lessons. There is no syllabus for the class. Rather He teaches by showing me heart defects that are hindering my relationship with him. That makes for some painful...