by Leah | Apr 10, 2017 | Character/Holiness, Faith, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Pride, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
I am preempting my normally scheduled Monday Revelation and Wednesday Authentic posts to share something very personal with you. In doing so, I hope to encourage you to consider taking a similar journey to mine in order to look more like Jesus. To say I...
by Leah | Mar 29, 2017 | Authentic Christianity, Character/Holiness, Faith, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Wisdom |
Recently I attended a continuing education seminar for pharmacists. Sounds fun, huh? The seminar was chock full of excellent information, but unfortunately I was battling some type of viral illness, so by the end of 8 hours of seminar sitting, I was done. Just done....
by Leah | Feb 22, 2017 | Authentic Christianity, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Wisdom |
Today in our Authentic Christianity series we are talking about spiritual gifts. This passage, along with three sister passages (1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Ephesians 4:7, 11 and 1 Peter 4:10-11) have been the sources of consternation and disagreement in the body of...
by Leah | Feb 8, 2017 | Authentic Christianity, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Pride, Serving the Bride of Christ |
DISCLAIMER: Electronic media makes it difficult to convey emotion. Please, please know that there is not one smidgen of anger contained in this post. As you read it, I hope you will hear my heart of love for the body of Christ. I believe this is an important...
by Leah | Feb 1, 2017 | Authentic Christianity, Insecurity, Obedience/Submission, Pride, Serving the Bride of Christ, Wisdom |
The year was 2007 and God had just confirmed the call to ministry that He had placed on my heart. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, I shared that confirmation experience with those closest to me. I received great encouragement from everyone…..except one....
by Leah | Jan 27, 2017 | Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Sharing Life, Tasting Grace |
Hello Friday! Glad you stopped in! How are you friends? I hope you have had a great week. Our Sharing Life series is focused on women mentoring women, and the words we offer here are centered around one of three themes: Faith, Friendship, or Food. There have been some...