
Thursday Thought and Question

Today I want us to think on the two concepts that I have written about this week: God being the Boss of our lives, our Adonai; and our ability and willingness to have complete confidence in Him.If the first is true, really true, then the second should be true as well....

Names of God – Adonai

I heard the story of two children who were playing a game. One of the children, the older of the two, began telling the younger child what he was supposed to be doing. After listening for a bit, the younger child looked up at the older and said, ‘You are not the boss...

El Shaddai by Amy Grant

If you have been visiting me at The Point for the past several weeks, you will recall that we have been studying the names of God each Sunday/Monday. We have studied several names thus far and I wanted to take a break today and offer to you something that I believe...

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