by Leah | Apr 15, 2019 | Faith, God's Love, Life Coaching, Serving the Bride of Christ, Wisdom |
There are many traditional Scripture passages that are used at Easter to tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John the Beloved. Each is a beautiful passage full of meaning and passion. For this Easter week,...
by Leah | Mar 3, 2019 | Authentic Christianity, God's Love, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Sabbath, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Video Blog |
Today I am sharing a video for our 4th lie, in the Lies We Believe series. In the Lies We Believe series we are tackling common lies that people believe regarding God and faith. If you received this post via email, please click HERE to go to my website and watch the...
by Leah | Feb 25, 2019 | Compassion, God's Love, Legacy, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
What if you had been born in a third world country? What if your parents made less than a $2 a day at their job? What if you knew hunger almost as well as you knew your family? What if the area in which you lived was infested with AIDs and people who would sell you...
by Leah | Feb 18, 2019 | Authentic Christianity, Faith, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Life Coaching, Obedience/Submission, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities, Sharing Life, The Awesomeness of God, Wisdom |
“God will not give me more than I can bear”. Oh, YES, HE WILL, sister! He absolutely will. It seems that, without forethought, intention, or planning, I have written myself right into a series here on the blog. Let’s call it, Lies We Believe. Here...
by Leah | Feb 11, 2019 | Authentic Christianity, Faith, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
“We are all God’s Children.” Over the years I have heard people use this phrase to attempt to position themselves, or others, in the family of God. Their logic is that God created every person, so we must be His children. It always bothered me...
by Leah | Jan 7, 2019 | Character/Holiness, Faith, God's Love |
“I just cannot forgive myself for _______________.” This statement is something I hear from women over and over. Perhaps you have said it yourself. It sounds reasonable, especially after doing something you wish you had never done; something that causes...