by Leah | Jul 29, 2016 | Giveaways, Tasting Grace |
Have you ever entered a space…a home, a store, a church, a website…where you instantly felt hospitality and friendship? That is what I want for the people who enter my space….my home, my website. There are a few places like that on the internet that...
by Leah | May 30, 2016 | Giveaways, Revelation Study |
As we continue our visit to the Throne Room of God with the apostle John, a new object and a new individual are introduced to us in Revelation chapter 5. Both will become of utmost importance as we study in the coming days. Today we will focus our...
by Leah | Apr 21, 2016 | Giveaways |
UPDATE: Congratulations to Gena Hood! You are the winner of an autographed copy of Melanie’s book. Please email me your mailing address to Today, I have pleasure of introducing you to someone whom I have come to know over the past several...
by Leah | Feb 1, 2016 | Giveaways, Revelation Study |
Today we finish chapter 1 of The Revelation as we turn our eyes to the vision that John saw of Jesus, but first, I want to announce the name of the winner of my January drawing. You will recall that I am giving a small gift to one person who commented in January. I...
by Leah | Nov 26, 2015 | Fun Family Friends, Giveaways |
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US of A, and all around the world. I have so much for which to be thankful. So very much! This week I am surrounded by family and for that I am grateful. I am thankful for you, my readers. As I look at my stats on Google...
by Leah | Nov 20, 2015 | Giveaways, Serving the Bride of Christ |
Hello dear readers, I will be taking time away from the blog next week to be with family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Next week will be a difficult week for my family, as Monday will be the one year anniversary of my Mother’s passing. We rejoice, though, that...