by Leah | Feb 27, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, Fun Family Friends |
Hello friends! Five Minute Friday time, once again. I have been praying for the words for today’s word prompt. In case you are not familiar with Five Minute Friday, let me tell you about this wonderful little party. #FMFparty is a single word prompt tossed out...
by Leah | Feb 20, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, Fun Family Friends |
Hello friends! TGIF! I am crazy about Friday because it is the day of Five Minute Friday at Kate Motaung’s place. I love the challenge of being given a word prompt and told to write for 5 minutes. No editing, no over-thinking. Just write whatever the Lord brings...
by Leah | Feb 13, 2015 | Faith, Five Minute Friday, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Hello! I have been away from Five Minute Friday for several weeks, but y’all, I really, really missed this writing endeavor. So, I’m back! In case you don’t recall what Five Minute Friday is, here’s the skinny on it. Kate Motaung tosses...
by Leah | Jan 9, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, Legacy, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Hello friends, I’m glad to be back here for Five Minute Friday after the Christmas Break. I have so enjoyed participating in #FMFparty: we get a word prompt from Kate Motaung, then we write like crazy for 5 minutes. No re-thinking, no editing. Just writing....
by Leah | Dec 19, 2014 | Christmas, Five Minute Friday, Fun Family Friends, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Today, my friends, is the final Five Minute Friday post for 2014. Oh, how I have enjoyed being part of this wonderful community of writers. We will be taking two weeks off to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. Lord willing, I will be back on January 9th with...
by Leah | Dec 12, 2014 | Faith, Five Minute Friday, Legacy |
Five Minute Friday~~ that wonderful time of my writing week where I gather around a word prompt tossed out by Kate Motaung over at her blog, Heading Home. The best part is that I do not gather alone. About 150 wonderful bloggers gather there with me, and make up the...