by Leah | Aug 14, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, God's Love, God's Protection, Wisdom |
The woodshed. It is a place I have often gone. Not willingly, nor with delight, but out of necessity. You see, I am one who doesn’t always learn from the mistakes of others. Oh no, I seem to be more apt to learn God’s lessons by taking the field...
by Leah | Jul 31, 2015 | Character/Holiness, Faith, Five Minute Friday, God's Love |
Good morning! Five Minute Friday is a link-up hosted by Kate Motaung. Kate tosses out a word prompt, then folks from some nations, tribes, and tongues write for 5 minutes (or more). We tap out what the word prompts in our hearts, then we hit publish, and the party...
by Leah | Jul 24, 2015 | Faith, Five Minute Friday |
Yippee!! It’s Friday, which means it is time to put on my thinking cap, put fingers to keyboard, and write for 5 minutes on the word prompt that Kate Motaung tosses out. I really love Five Minute Friday, and apparently you do, as well. When I asked you, my sweet...
by Leah | Jul 17, 2015 | Character/Holiness, Faith, Five Minute Friday, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Prayer, Serving the Bride of Christ, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Five Minute Friday…that glorious moment when our friend, Kate Motaung tosses out a word around which a whole passel of bloggers gather to write. It is more fun than a barrel of monkeys! I adore participating in Five Minute Friday because it challenges me, as a...
by Leah | Jul 3, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, God's Love, God's Protection, Legacy, Obedience/Submission, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Good morning! It has been a bit since I jumped in on Five Minute Friday over at Kate’s place, but here I am. In case you don’t know about Five Minute Friday, let me tell you about it. FMF is a writing prompt that Kate Motaung tosses out late on Thursday...
by Leah | May 29, 2015 | Five Minute Friday, Insecurity |
Friends, it is Friday again. Woo-hoo!! Today Kate Motaung has tossed out a toughie for our Five Minute Friday prompt. I always pray through the prompt and ask the Lord to give me the words that He wants me to type out here. Sometimes He gives me a full seven course...