by Leah | Dec 6, 2022 | Financial Coaching |
Ah friend, it’s December and the end of 2022 is quickly approaching. How was your Thanksgiving? I hope you had a wonderful time counting your blessings with family and friends. In our December communication we are going to look back and look ahead, so...
by Leah | Nov 8, 2022 | Financial Coaching |
It’s November. Can you believe it? The month of Thanksgiving, family, and the start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday so I’m quite excited about this month. I am thankful for you, dear reader, and I wish you a blessed...
by Leah | Feb 11, 2021 | Financial Coaching |
I wish I could say that I, a financial coach, had always made wise choices when it comes to money. I cannot. Like millions of other people, I believed the lie about debt that is preached as gospel truth: debt is normal and everyone has it, so it must be okay. It is...
by Leah | Feb 4, 2021 | Financial Coaching |
Let’s talk about college for a moment. Whether it is you, your children, or your grandchildren thinking about college, I want you to make smart choices with your money. Too many people fall victim to the lie that you MUST take out student loans in order...
by Leah | Dec 27, 2020 | Faith, Financial Coaching, Life Coaching, Obedience/Submission, Setting Boundaries and Priorities |
Happy New Year! You likely read the title of this post and thought, “Peace and joy in 2020? Yeah, right!” I admit that peace and joy have been in short supply this year due to the pandemic, social unrest, and political atmosphere. This has been the...
by Leah | Nov 1, 2020 | Financial Coaching |
Has God ever asked you to do something that absolutely is out of your comfort zone and scares you to death? Umm, hmmm. Me, too. Such is current state of life in my world. God is asking me to do a major pivot in my work and ministry. As you know, I retired from...